Giancarlo Ruocco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A comparison of three individual multidisciplinarity indices based on the diversity of the Scopus subject areas, of the bibliography and of the citing papers of an author’s documents 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, ISSI 2019 - Proceedings 2019
Brillouin microscopy: an emerging tool for mechanobiology NATURE METHODS 2019
Investigation of the binding between olfactory receptors and odorant molecules in C. elegans organism BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2019
Relation between Heterogeneous Frozen Regions in Supercooled Liquids and Non-Debye Spectrum in the Corresponding Glasses PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Perspectives on cavitation enhanced endothelial layer permeability COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES 2018
What is the right theory for anderson localization of light? An experimental test PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2018
Inflammation, neurodegeneration and protein aggregation in the retina as ocular biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease in the 3xTg-AD mouse model CELL DEATH & DISEASE 2018
Background-deflection Brillouin microscopy reveals altered biomechanics of intracellular stress granules by ALS protein FUS COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2018
Cancellation of Bessel beam side lobes for high-contrast light sheet microscopy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
The mixing of polarizations in the acoustic excitations of disordered media with local isotropy FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS 2018
Probing the non-Debye low-frequency excitations in glasses through random pinning PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2018
Assessing the interdependencies between scientific disciplinary profiles SCIENTOMETRICS 2018
Reply to "comment on 'Behavior of Supercritical Fluids across the Frenkel Line'" JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL 2018
Hyperuniformity in amorphous speckle patterns OPTICS EXPRESS 2018
Comment on Emergence and Evolution of the k Gap in Spectra of Liquid and Supercritical States PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2018
Effect of dilution in asymmetric recurrent neural networks NEURAL NETWORKS 2018
Diffraction-free light droplets for axially-resolved volume imaging SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Do social sciences and humanities behave like life and hard sciences? SCIENTOMETRICS 2017
Bibliometric indicators: the origin of their log-normal distribution and why they are not a reliable proxy for an individual scholar’s talent PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Moment-preserving theory of vibrational dynamics of topologically disordered systems FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS 2017


  • PE3_13
  • PE3_15
  • PE3_16


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Micro/nano electronics & photonics

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