Gabriele Favero


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Raman spectroscopy and SERS: recent advances in cultural heritage diagnostics and the potential use of anisotropic metal nanostructures JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2025
A miniaturized method for HPLC-MS/MS identification of wine markers in figured pottery JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2025
Review of organic gaseous pollutant concentrations in indoor conservation spaces ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2025
Retention and capillary flow dynamics assessment of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) in Carrara marble MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2025
Early stages of metal corrosion in coastal archaeological sites. Effects of chemical composition in silver and copper alloys MATERIALS 2024
A review on inorganic gaseous pollutants in conservation spaces. Monitoring instrumentation and indoor concentrations ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2024
Microplastic in drinking water: a pilot study MICROPLASTICS 2024
The 20th century and its new colours. Investigating the molecular structures of historical synthetic dyes using Raman spectroscopy JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 2024
NYMPHA, a natural product for the conservation of ancient wood ACTA IMEKO 2024
Multi-technique assessment of chelators-loaded PVA-borax gel-like systems performance in cleaning of stone contaminated with copper corrosion products GELS 2024
The NYMPHA algae extract as a new consolidant for the restoration of cultural heritage: studies and considerations on its effectiveness on painted marble SUSTAINABILITY 2024
Characterization and assessment of cleaning systems based on fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) for the removal of wax-based coatings from cultural heritage objects MATERIALS ADVANCES 2024
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction as a clean-up technique for identification of wine markers in figured pottery by HPLC-MS/MS Atti di Incontri di Scienza delle Separazioni 2024 2024
Food and environment during the Late Roman Age at the site of Alba Fucens (Abruzzi, Italy) PLANTS 2024
Development of a combined protein and dye extraction approach for the analysis of keratin-based textiles JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 2024
Assessing the swelling behavior of oil paint in fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) RSC ADVANCES 2024
Revealing the unknown: how multi-technical approach can be crucial in identification of dyes and protein in archeological remains Multidisciplinary approaches for the investigation of textiles and fibres in the archaeological field 2024
Au@MNPs-based electrochemical immunosensor for vitamin D3 serum samples analysis TALANTA 2023
Gel microextraction from hydrophilic paint layers. A comparison between Agar-gel and Nanorestore Gel® HWR for spectroscopic identification of madder MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2023
A multi-parametric investigation on waterlogged wood using a magnetic resonance imaging clinical scanner FORESTS 2023


  • PE4_5
  • PE4_8
  • PE4_18
  • SH6_3


  • Nanotecnologie
  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
  • Micro/nano electronics & photonics
  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Electrochemical techniques for archeometry - application of electrochemical techniques to the study of artistic materials (in particular, pigments, metals and their corrosion products) exploiting the reduced invasiveness of microparticle voltammetry (VMP) which allows to analyze the constituents and products degradation by sampling only a few micrograms and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) which allows the non-invasive characterization of the surface of the artefact under examination; in this context, an electrochemical cell based on polymeric gel was developed and validated to perform electrochemical impedance analyzes on archaeological metals.

Study of degradation and innovative cleaning treatments - assessment of the impact of atmospheric pollution and weather conditions on limestone, copper and bronze and the risk of corrosion of cultural heritage materials; study and applications of innovative cleaning treatments based on soft matters: microemulsions and hydrogels containing phytochemical compounds.

Monitoring of pollutants in drinking water - speciation of Thallium (I)/(III) stratified along the internal surface of contaminated water pipes through the development and optimization of a sequential extraction procedure; development of an advanced analytical method for the simultaneous determination of 21 cyanotoxins (including Microcystins, Cyanopeptolins, Anabaenopeptins and Microginins) in drinking water based on Ultra Performance liquid chromatography coupled with a Q-TOF mass spectrometer.

Bioelectrochemistry, basic studies and applications - study of the properties of direct and mediated electronic transfer of redox proteins and bioelectrochemical characterization of enzymes in relation to the methods of immobilization (physical and / or chemical) and the nanostructuring of the electrochemical interface used. The main developments concerned the construction of (i) second and third generation electrochemical biosensors for environmental and food analyzes, (ii) prototypes of enzymatic biofuel cells for energy production and the construction of self-powered biosensors.

Functionalized and nanostructured electrode surfaces - realization and application of modified electrodes by (i) use of ferrocene as an electrochemical mediator suitably linked to molecular buildings suitable for the modification of electrode surfaces such as metallodendrimers or self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) mixed with ferrocene and cyclodextrin; (ii) electropolymerized mesoporous conductive polymers; (iii) DNA strands decorated with a redox probe for the determination of heavy metal ions; (iv) noble metal nanoparticles and nanostructures electrodeposited or synthesized using eco-friendly methods and materials.

Innovative enzyme immobilization techniques - study of innovative protein immobilization procedures based (i) on polymeric gels with reactive functional groups capable of increasing the stability of the immobilization while preserving the hydrophilic environment and the native structure of the enzyme, ( ii) on the "reactive soft landing" with which the deposition at low kinetic energies of specific ions on solid surfaces was obtained, through the use of an appropriately modified mass spectrometer, (iii) on composite nanomaterials capable of ensuring immobilization which preserves the native structure of the protein while favoring an efficient electron transfer with the electrode surface for the realization of transducers for second and third generation amperometric biosensors.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma