Luca Poli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Short (2‐Hour) Non‐Oxygenated End‐Ischemic Hypothermic Perfusion Versus Cold Storage in the Setting of Renal Transplantation ARTIFICIAL ORGANS 2025
The role of hypothermic machine perfusion in selecting renal grafts with advanced histological score ARTIFICIAL ORGANS 2022
Effectiveness of Expressive Writing in Kidney Transplanted Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study HEALTHCARE 2022
The role of hypothermic machine perfusion in selecting renal grafts with advanced histological score ARTIFICIAL ORGANS 2022
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with bnt162b2 in renal transplant patients. Risk factors for impaired response and immunological implications CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION 2021
Expected and observed glomerular filtration rates in kidney transplant patients converted to once daily tacrolimus: 10 years of follow-up TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2020
Hystomorphometric analysis of kidney targets for transplant. Pilot study Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, ICBET 2020; Tokyo; Japan; 15 September 2020
Everolimus in kidney transplant recipients at high cardiovascular risk: a narrative review JN. JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY 2020
Automated intelligent microscopy for the recognition of decoy cells in urine samples of kidney transplant patients TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2019
Sofferenza tubulare in un paziente con recente trapianto di rene BIOCHIMICA CLINICA 2019
Long-term Glomerular Filtration Rate and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Stage Stability After Conversion to Once-Daily Tacrolimus in Kidney Transplant Recipients TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2019
Surgical technique notes of arterial vascular reconstruction during kidney transplantation: personal experience and literature review TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2019
Viremia negativization after BK virus infection in kidney transplantation. A national bicentric study TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2019
Ricominciamo insieme un nuovo percorso di vita. Giornata di prevenzione delle malattie renali – Amatrice GIORNALE ITALIANO DI NEFROLOGIA 2018
Day of Prevention of Renal Diseases in Amatrice, Italy GIORNALE ITALIANO DI NEFROLOGIA 2018
[Day of Prevention of Renal Diseases in Amatrice, Italy] GIORNALE ITALIANO DI NEFROLOGIA 2018
Screening for Fabry disease in patients with ischaemic stroke at young age. the Italian Project on Stroke in Young Adults EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 2017
Pre-emptive therapy for the treatment of cytomegalovirus after kidney transplantation TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2017
Kidney transplantation in Alström syndrome. Case Report. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2017
Appraisal of transplant-related stressors, coping strategies, and psychosocial adjustment following kidney transplantation. STRESS AND HEALTH 2017

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