Bruno Maria Mazzara


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Società dei consumi e sostenibilità. Una prospettiva psicoculturale 2023
Social representations of Peace in times of War: which voices should be silenced? Book of Abstract. 30º Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2022
The social construction of risk: Representing Covid-19 related risk via WhatsApp. XXX Congresso AIP - tutte le sezioni, Padua, Italy 2022
Nutrire le radici del futuro: bambini, degrado ambientale e diritti umani The best interest of the child 2021
Forms of denial in the social representation of climate change. Analyses of Twitter. International Conference on Environmental Psychology 2021
The representation of rmmigration. A retrospective newspaper analysis JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT & REFUGEE STUDIES 2020
Gli italiani sotto l’onda anomala dell’emergenza. Il dominio dell’apprensione tra rischi percepiti e comportamenti responsabili La società catastrofica. Vta e relazioni sociali ai tempi dell’emergenza Covid-19 2020
Negazione dei cambiamenti climatici 2020
The social representations of cycling practices: An analysis of symbolic, emotional, material and bodily components, and their implication for policies TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F: TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR 2019
A psychosocial analysis of citizens’ orientations towards sustainable urban mobility: overview of results from 10 years of research in Italy (and abroad) Proceedings from EDRA 50: Sustainable urban environments. Brooklyn, NY: Environmental Design Research Association 2019
A multi-scale examination of public discourse on energy sustainability in Italy: Empirical evidence and policy implications ENERGY POLICY 2018
Social approaches to energy transition cases in rural Italy, Indonesia and Australia: Iterative methodologies and participatory epistemologies ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE 2018
Italian parliamentary debates on energy sustainability: How argumentative 'short-circuits' affect public engagement PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE 2016
One, no one, one hundred thousand energy transitions in Europe. The quest for a cultural approach ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE 2016
Environmental Consciousness and Sustainable Energy Policies: Italian Parliamentary Debates in the Years 2009–2012 SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES 2016
The effects of lemmatization on textual analysis conducted with IRaMuTeQ: results in comparison Statistical Analysis of Textual Data 2016
Social representations theory and critical: Constructionism: Insights from Caillaud's article PAPERS ON SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS. THREAD OF DISCUSSION 2016
Beyond Wind Turbines, Solar Panels and Beautiful Landscapes. Figurative Components of Sustainable Energy in Italy REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE PSYCHOLOGIE SOCIALE 2015
Dalla naturalizzazione delle scienze umane alla naturalità dell’ovvio. Le ragioni sociali per le quali la mente non è il cervello. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2015

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