Marco Morini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Trump&Co. Miliardari al potere nella crisi del neoliberismo 2017
Israel, ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal. The comeback of the middle east in the 2016 american presidential campaign US Foreign Policy in a Challenging World: Building Order on Shifting Foundations 2017
Same-Sex marriage and other moral taboos. Cultural acceptances, change in american public opinion and the evidence from the opinion polls EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES 2017
The Italian 2014 EP election. A Route to Euroscepticism? The Eurosceptic 2014 European Parliament Elections. Second Order or Second Rate? 2016
Politics, Asian Americans in Asian american culture. From anime to tiger moms 2016
Urban-centred voters. The case of ‘L’Altra Europa con Tsipras’ in the 2014 European Parliamentary Elections in Italy CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN POLITICS 2016
Alternanza di Governo nell’Unione Europea 2008-2015 Democrazie in transizione 2016
Carter, Jimmy (Administration) The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty 2015
Vice presidential candidates in the American presidential elections. Strategies for selection and effects EPIPHANY 2015
Mirroring horse races. Political commercials, pollsters and political consultants. The americanization of italian election campaigns COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA 2015
Twitter for politics and Facebook for leisure? The social media behaviour of Italian politicians JURNAL PENGAJIAN MEDIA MALAYSIA 2015
How U.S. Presidents Are Regarded Historically. The Contrast Between Historians’ Judgment and the Retrospective Public Opinion Approval Ratings RSA JOURNAL 2015


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comparative politics
Democracy · Political communication · Mediatization · Disintermediation · Social media · Monitoring public opinion
Political parties
US Politics
European Union

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