Silvia Solimene


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Discerning the state of the art in Italy of voluntary disclosure on biodiversity and endemic species MEDITARI ACCOUNTANCY RESEARCH 2024
Le valutazioni basate sui dati contabili e il valore di mercato La valutazione nelle aziende pubbliche e nelle utilities 2024
Environmental Impact of Different Business Models: An {LCA} Study of Fresh Tomato Production in Italy SUSTAINABILITY 2023
Reinvestment as an Aspect of New Business Model in European Knowledge-Intensive Firms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 2022
La dimensione economico-aziendale del Business Model. Osservazioni empiriche 2022
The theory of new business models innovation and sustainability. Toward new investigations of smart technologies Intellectual capital, smart technologies and digitalization. Emerging issues and opportunities 2021
Factors affecting the presence of women on firms’ board from an institutional/cultural perspective Gender studies, entrepreneurship and human capital. 5th IPAZIA Workshop on Gender Issues 2019 2020
Knowledge management, intellectual capital and entrepreneurship: a structured literature review JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2020
R&D innovation indicator and its effects on the market. An empirical assessment from a financial perspective JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 2019
Business model and sustainability: the state of the art Proceedings of 14th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics - Knowledge Ecosystems and Growth 2019
Different methods to estimating the cost of equity. An analysis on a sample of too big to fail banks MANAGEMENT STUDIES 2019
A multidisciplinary approach for assessing open innovation model impact on stock return dynamics. The case of Fujifilm company MANAGEMENT DECISION 2018
VAIC as a tool for measuring intangibles value in voluntary multi-stakeholder disclosure JOURNAL OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY 2018
An application of the option-pricing model to the valuation of football player in the ‘Serie A League’ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING 2018
Does Institutional Context Affect CSR Disclosure? A Study on Eurostoxx 50 SUSTAINABILITY 2018
Different methods to estimating the cost of equity. An anlysis on a sample of too big to fail banks Research Advancements in National and Global Business. Theory and Practice 2018
La valutazione delle pipeline delle aziende farmaceutiche La valutazione degli intangibles aziendali 2018
Gli effetti delle deroghe conseguenti al principio di rilevanza nel bilancio di esercizio La “nuova” informativa di bilancio. Profili teorici e criticità applicative dopo il D. Lgs. 139/2015 e i nuovi principi OIC 2018
La valutazione in ottica liquidatoria di un'azienda confiscata La valutazione delle aziende sottoposte a misure di prevenzione 2018
Il principio di rilevanza nell’ambito degli errori contabili La nuova informativa di bilancio. Profili teorici e criticità applicative dopo il D. Lgs. 139/2015 e i nuovi principi OIC 2018

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