Conrad Baldner


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Addressing the effect of concern with Covid-19 threat on prejudice towards immigrants: The sequential mediating role of need for cognitive closure and desire for cultural tightness. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS 2023
Examining the Interaction between Perceived Cultural Tightness and Prevention Regulatory Focus on Life Satisfaction in Italy SUSTAINABILITY 2023
How and when need for cognitive closure impacts attitudes towards women managers (Cómo y cuándo la necesidad de cierre influye en las actitudes hacia las mujeres directivas) REVISTA DE PSICOLOGÍA SOCIAL 2023
Omerta in intragroup cheating: The role of ingroup identity in dishonesty and whistleblowing GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS 2023
Need for cognitive closure and prosocial behavior in high school students: The role of perspective taking and empathic concern PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2023
At the Roots of Allport’s “Prejudice-Prone Personality”: The Impact of Need for Cognitive Closure on Prejudice towards Different Outgroups and the Mediating Role of Binding Moral Foundations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS 2023
Perceived COVID-19 Threat and Reactions to Noncompliant Health-Protective Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Desired Cultural Tightness and the Moderating Role of Age INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Concern with {COVID}-19 pandemic threat and attitudes towards immigrants: The mediating effect of the desire for tightness CURRENT RESEARCH IN ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Direct and imagined contact moderates the effect of need for cognitive closure on attitudes towards women managers JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
By all means necessary: Closed mindedness, ingroup morality, and weapon ownership EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
The Moral Foundations of Desired Cultural Tightness FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Men and women who want epistemic certainty are at-risk for hostility towards women leaders THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2022
The indirect Need for Cognitive Closure effect on preference for men in authority PSYCHOLOGY HUB 2022
Representations of Italian populism and Immigration on Facebook. A comparison of the posts by Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini (2014-2018) PAPERS ON SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS. THREADS OF DISCUSSION 2021
The mediating role of narcissism in the effects of regulatory mode on positivity CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2021
‘We are all in the same boat’: How societal discontent affects intention to help during the COVID-19 pandemic JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
How the mere desire for certainty can lead to a preference for men in authority (particularly among political liberals) JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Natives with a need for cognitive closure can approve of immigrants’ economic effect when they trust pro-immigrant epistemic authorities THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Sympathy as knowledge of the other in need: An investigation into the roles of need for closure and the moral foundations on sympathy toward immigrants JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Gender issues in the Italian political domain. Are woman / man ministers evaluated as different in terms of effectiveness of their behavior? TPM. TESTING, PSYCHOMETRICS, METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY 2020

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