Matteo Vitali


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Can digital technologies be useful for weight loss in individuals with overweight or obesity. A systematic review HEALTHCARE 2024
Balneotherapy using thermal mineral water baths and dermatological diseases: a systematic review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY 2024
Exposure and Early Effect Biomarkers for Risk Assessment of Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde: A Systematic Review SUSTAINABILITY 2024
Optimization of a fast and sensitive method based on matrix solid-phase dispersion-LC-ms/ms for simultaneous determination of phthalates and bisphenols in mussel samples FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS. PART A. CHEMISTRY, ANALYSIS, CONTROL, EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT 2024
Is Rome ready to react to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive attacks? A tabletop simulation ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2024
Occurrence and congener profiles of dioxins (PCDDs), furans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in ovine and caprine milk samples collected in a very polluted site in Central Italy FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS. PART A. CHEMISTRY, ANALYSIS, CONTROL, EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT 2023
Consumption of Energy Drinks among Italian University students: a cross-sectional multicenter study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2023
Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in River Waters of Central Italy: Monthly Variation and Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY 2023
Balneotherapy for osteoarthritis: a systematic review RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2023
Analysing features of home-based workout during COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review PUBLIC HEALTH 2023
Ancient spring waters still emerging and accessible in the Roman Forum area: Chemical–physical and microbiological characterization OPEN CHEMISTRY 2023
Mass spectrometry in urinary cotinine determination as a passive tobacco smoke biomarker 11th MS J-day 2023
Consumption of energy drinks among Italian university students: a cross-sectional multicenter study POPULATION MEDICINE 2023
Human semen quality and environmental and occupational exposure to pollutants. A systematic review ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ 2023
Presenza di plastiche e altri microinquinanti organici emergenti in matrici ambientali: fenomeno ineluttabile o prevenibile? Atti del convegno 2023
Investigation on high polyphenolic wheat genotypes resistance to Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) Book of Abstracts 2023
The carcinogenic effects of formaldehyde occupational exposure: a systematic review CANCERS 2022
Occupational scenarios and exposure assessment to formaldehyde: a systematic review INDOOR AIR 2022
PM Dimensional Characterization in an Urban Mediterranean Area: Case Studies on the Separation between Fine and Coarse Atmospheric Aerosol ATMOSPHERE 2022


  • LS7_9
  • LS7_11
  • PE10_1
  • PE4_5


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

environmental and human health risk assessment (EHRA); esposizione professionale, fitofarmaci, agricoltura; esposizione, monitoraggio biologico, indicatori biologici di esposizione, indicatori biologici di effetto; esposizione professionale, valutazione del rischio, agenti chimici, monitoraggio ambientale, personale e biomonitoraggio, agenti fisici, agenti biologici; esposizione a fumo passivo, bambini, second-hand smoke, third-hand smoke; monitoraggio ambientale, inquinamento atmosferico, particolato, particelle ultrafini; biomonitoraggio ambientale, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), elementi in traccia, metalli pesanti, licheni, sedimenti, biota; igiene ospedaliera, disinfezione, antisepsi, sterilizzazione; Legionella, legionellosi, impianti idrici ospedalieri, rischio occupazionale; fluoro, fratture, epidemiologia; esposizione, pesticidi, dieta, popolazione; SPME, monitoraggio ambientale, controllo alimenti, biomonitoraggio umano; dispositivi elettronici per i fumo, esposizione passiva, particelle sospese; Covid-19.


environmental & occupational health
air pollutant
water quality
water pollution
healthcare acquired infection
esposizione professionale
environmental risk assessment
human health risk assessment
food contaminants
passive smoking
environmental pollution

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma