Marta Chiappetta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Synergistic effect between SARS-CoV-2 wave and COVID-19 vaccination on the occurrence of mild symptoms in healthcare workers VACCINES 2023
Factors that facilitate and hinder the return to work after stroke. An overview of systematic reviews LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO 2022
The synergistic effect of time of exposure, distance and no use of personal protective equipment in the determination of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Results of a contact tracing follow-up study in healthcareworkers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Working in “smart” mode during the Covid-19 pandemic. Validation of a questionnaire in the healthcare sector LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2021
Anosmia and ageusia as predictive signs of COVID-19 in healthcare workers in Italy: a prospective case-control study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020
Technostress: how does it affect the productivity and life of an individual? Results of an observational study PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
How much do young Italians know about COVID-19 and what are their attitudes toward SARS-CoV-2? Results of a cross-sectional study DISASTER MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS 2020
Definition, symptoms and risk of techno-stress. A systematic review INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2019
The patient at the center of the HTA evaluation process: research protocol SENSES & SCIENCES 2019
Stress management interventions among healthcare workers using mindfulness. A systematic review. SENSES & SCIENCES 2018
Preventive medicine center and health care for students of medicine and health professions at the Sapienza University of Rome: a research protocol SENSES & SCIENCES 2017
Nuovi indicatori bibliometrici nella letteratura scientifica: un panorama in continua evoluzione LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2017
The technostress. Definition, symptoms and risk prevention SENSES & SCIENCES 2017

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