Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Comment on the article by Zaami et al "Increasing abuse of anabolic steroids and chemsex drugs as performance and image-enhancing agents". Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2021; 25: 455-458 | EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES | 2021 |
CRISPR -Cas9: a groundbreaking new technique which ushers in new prospects and just as many doubts | LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA | 2021 |
Medically assisted procreation in times of COVID-19: what impact on health care system organization and the reproductive rights of couples? | ACTA BIOMEDICA | 2021 |
Law n. 194, 18th May 1978, hlffiS forty: a positive record overall, despite lingering hurdles | MINERVA MEDICOLEGALE | 2020 |
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