Alessandro Ramieri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Stand-Alone Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion (OLIF) for the Treatment of Adjacent Segment Disease (ASD) after Previous Posterior Lumbar Fusion: Clinical and Radiological Outcomes and Comparison with Posterior Revision Surgery JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2023
COVID-19 pandemic: an update on the reaction attitude of the spine societies and their members worldwide WORLD JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS 2022
Effect of surgical experience and spine subspecialty on the reliability of the {AO} Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. SPINE 2022
Spinal appearance questionnaire: Italian cross-cultural adaptation and validation MINERVA ORTHOPEDICS 2021
The anterior-to-psoas approach for interbody fusion at the L5-S1 segment: clinical and radiological outcomes NEUROSURGICAL FOCUS 2020
Spatial and temporal characteristics of the spine muscles activation during walking in patients with lumbar instability due to degenerative lumbar disk disease: Evaluation in pre-surgical setting HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE 2019
Long-term clinical outcomes and quality of life in elderly patients treated with Interspinous devices for lumbar spinal stenosis JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY. PART A, CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGERY 2018
Comparison of pure lateral and oblique lateral inter-body fusion for treatment of lumbar degenerative disk disease: a multicentric cohort study EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 2018
Thoraco-lumbar fractures with blunt traumatic aortic injury in adult patients. correlations and management EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 2018
Surgical management of coronal and sagittal imbalance of the spine without PSO: a multicentric cohort study on compensated adult degenerative deformities EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 2017
Lumbar ganglion cyst: Nosology, surgical management and proposal of a new classification based on 34 personal cases and literature review WORLD JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS 2017
Spinal epidural hematomas: personal experience and literature review of more than 1000 cases JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. SPINE 2017
The European contribution to the surgical Management of spinal cord injury. an historical perspective JSM NEUROSURGERY AND SPINE 2016
Functional anatomy and biomechanics of the cervical spine Cervical Spine 2016
Comparison of minimally invasive surgery with standard open surgery for vertebral thoracic metastases causing acute myelopathy in patients with short- or mid-term life expectancy. surgical technique and early clinical results JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. SPINE 2015


  • LS7
  • LS7_8

Interessi di ricerca

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and deformities of the spine

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma