Emanuela Borgia


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Roman temple at Elaioussa Sebaste (Cilicia) as case of transition between Hellenism and Romanization Zwischen Bruch und Konitinuität. Architektur in Kleinasien am Übergang vom Hellenismus zur römischen Kaiserzeit = Continuity and change.Architecture in Asia Minor during the transitional period from Hellenism to the Roman Empire 2020
Foreigners from Eastern Mediterranean at Ostia, Portus and Puteoli in the imperial period. A reconsideration of the matter through the analysis of funerary inscriptions ANALECTA ROMANA INSTITUTI DANICI. SUPPLEMENTUM 2020
A building site from a ruin. The Early Byzantine ecclesiastical complex within the Roman temple of Elaioussa Sebaste (Cilicia) Umgebaut. Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur. Internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 21.–24. Februar 2018 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI 2020
I capitelli figurati della via colonnata di Soloi-Pompeiopolis in Cilicia ORIZZONTI 2020
Cilicia as a multicultural region. Indigenous and foreign people in Roman and Byzantine inscriptions Identity and cultural exchange in ancient Cilicia. New results and future Perspectives. Internationales Kolloquium 18.–19. Mai 2018 in München 2020
Minima epigraphica. On some Roman and Byzantine inscribed objects from Elaiussa Sebaste (Cilicia) ADALYA 2020
Apamea di Siria: distruzioni e saccheggi documentati da immagini satellitari. 2011-2019 ARCHEOLOGIA AEREA 2020
Archeologia e architettura nella Cilicia Romana. Le vie colonnate Archeologia e architettura nella Cilicia romana: le vie colonnate 2019
Una tabella defixionis dalla Necropoli dell'Isola Sacra Ricerche su Ostia e il suo territorio. Atti del Terzo seminario Ostiense (Roma, École Française de Rome, 21-22 ottobre 2015) 2019
Preliminary considerations on thermal spas in the Eastern Roman provinces. The case of Asia Minor Rethinking the concept of 'healing settlements': Water, cults, conastructions and contexts in the ancient world 2019
The role of clients kingdoms in Cilicia (First Century B.C. - First Century A.D.) within the promotion of urbanisation Roman Imperial cities, in the East and in Central-Southern Italy 2019
Aswan thin-walled figure painted bowls from Antinoupolis ANALECTA PAPYROLOGICA 2019
Un’associazione di Sabbatisti nota da iscrizioni di Çatıören (Cilicia) MEDITERRANEO ANTICO 2019
La chiesa bizantina nel tempio di Elaioussa-Sebaste e un'iscrizione funeraria inedita ΣΕΒΑΣΤΉ Studies in honour of Eugenia Equini Schneider 2019
The kilikarchia in the Roman province of Cilicia 2018
24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Reflecting Future. Barcelona 5-8 September 2018 24th EAA Annual Meeting (Barcelona, 2018) - Reflecting Futures 2018
La decorazione architettonica del tempio romano di Elaioussa Sebaste (Cilicia). Modelli locali e influenze urbane Decor. Decorazione architettonica nel mondo romano 2017
Sigillate locali e di importazione ad Antinoupolis. Un primo bilancio dal materiale erratico Antinoupolis III.1. Scavi e materiali 2017
Cilicia and the Roman Empire. Reflections on provincia Cilicia and its romanisation STUDIA EUROPAEA GNESNENSA 2017
Inscriptions et bustes funéraires rupestres d’Elaioussa Sébastè (Cilicie) DIALOGUES D'HISTOIRE ANCIENNE 2017

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