Vladimir Gavrilenko


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The principle of legality in activities of state authorities Economy and legal perspectives of development of society, state and consumer cooperation 2023
On the relationship between economy and ecology: the ambiguity of social and legal regulation, proposals for solving the problem. // Vladimir Gavrilenko, Victor Shenshin. Materials of the 15 th International scientific and practical conference "The economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: globalization, innovation, sustainability" 2022
To the issue of advantages and disadvantages of alternative resolution of legal disputes. “Tambov legal readings named after F.N. Plevako" Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Tambov, 2022. 2022
Issues of Indemnity Damages in Arbitration Proceedings AKTUALʹNYE PROBLEMY GOSUDARSTVA I PRAVA 2021
Issues of regulation of the procedure of dispute consideration by the arbitral tribunals by the legislation of the republic of Tajikistan. // Vladimir Gavrilenko, Valerius Grigonis ARBITRAŽAS. TEORIJA IR PRAKTIKA. 2021
Issues of arbitration proceedings about indemnity damages from emergencies in Arctic region states PRAVO, BEZOPASNOSTʹ, CREZVYCAJNYE SITUACII 2021
Legal regulation of arbitration proceedings in the Republic of Tajikistan. Actual problems of state and law 2020
Issues of legislation of the Russian Federation regulating institution of commercial arbitration Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Philosophy and economics in the era of digital transformation" 2020
Modern problems of abritation in land disputes CONFLICT STUDIES QUARTERLY 2019

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