Marialetizia Carra


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Mesolithic plant processing unveiled: Multiscale use-wear analysis of the ground stone tools from Vlasac (Serbia) JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2025
Plant foods in the late palaeolithic of southern Italy and Sicily: integrating carpological and dental calculus evidence QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2023
Multipronged dental analyses reveal dietary differences in last foragers and first farmers at Grotta Continenza, central Italy (15,500-7000 BP) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Non-flaked stones used in the Mesolithic Eastern Alpine Region: A functional assessment from Romagnano Loc III and Pradestel sites JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2021
Wild cereal grain consumption among Early Holocene foragers of the Balkans predates the arrival of agriculture ELIFE 2021
The Castrum of Zagonara; an archaeobotanical approach to study the human-envirnment dynamics of a medieval castle. Humanities in the Third millenium: Approaches, Contaminations and Perspectives 2020
I reperti carpologici Il Musteriano di Grotta del Cavallo nel Salento (scavi 1986-2005). Culture e ambienti 2020
The application of 3D modeling and spatial analysis in the study of groundstones used in wild plants processing ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2019
Buono da mangiare ma… difficile da identificare! Potenzialità e risultati di un approccio integrato ai cibi e alle tecnologie nascoste del Paleolitico e Mesolitico d’Italia Abstract book della LIV Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria “Archeologia del Cambiamento. Modelli, processi, adattamenti nella Preistoria e Protostoria” 2019
Carpological remains between the end of the Pleitocenen and the beginning of the Holocene in Italy: acquired knowledge and new data Abstract book of the 18th conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany, 2019
Gli scavi alla Terramara di Pragatto (BO): dai primi dati al progetto di ricerca. Trent’anni di tutela e ricerca preistorica in Emilia occidentale 2019
I resti vegetali nelle strutture antropiche Tracce di Preistoria nel mantovano. Il sito di Canedole di Roverbella - Sovrappasso 100 2019
Bronze and Iron Age urbanization in Turkmenistan: Preliminary results from the excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab alluvial fan Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids: Learnings and conclusions from new archaeological investigations and discoveries. 2019
The breadth of dietary economy in Bronze Age Central Asia: Case study from Adji Kui 1 in the Murghab region of Turkmenistan JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2018
Dental calculus and isotopes provide direct evidence of fish and plant consumption in Mesolithic Mediterranean SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
L’abitato d’altura dell’età del Bronzo di Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna). RIVISTA DI SCIENZE PREISTORICHE 2018
Paesaggio vegetale e sussistenza in Emilia orientale e Romagna nell’età del Bronzo. RIVISTA DI SCIENZE PREISTORICHE 2018
Una nuova stagione di ricerche preistoriche in Cansiglio: la Grotta del Pian del Landro FRAMMENTI 2018
The Archaeobotanical evidence (Appendix 3). Excavations at Karkemish I. The stratigraphic sequence of Area G in the inner town 2018
Nota archeobotanica relativa ai riempimenti delle olle votive di Marzabotto (Regio I, insula 4). Annali della fondazione per il Museo “Claudio Faina”, 2018

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