Elena Fiorin


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
First archaeological evidence for ginger consumption as a potential medicinal ingredient in a late medieval leprosarium at St Leonard, Peterborough, England SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024
Dental evidence of textile-related task activities in the Bronze Age site of Laderas del Castillo (Alicante, Spain) JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2024
Plant foods in the late palaeolithic of southern Italy and Sicily: integrating carpological and dental calculus evidence QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2023
Combining dental calculus with isotope analysis in the Alps: new evidence from the roman and medieval cemeteries of Lamon, Italy QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2023
Knowledge and perception of leprosy amongst high school students in Italy: A survey LEPROSY REVIEW 2023
Multipronged dental analyses reveal dietary differences in last foragers and first farmers at Grotta Continenza, central Italy (15,500-7000 BP) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Indagini archeologiche presso la chiesa di San Pietro Apostolo di Lamon. Risultati preliminari dagli scavi 2012-2016 ARCHIVIO STORICO DI BELLUNO FELTRE E CADORE 2020
Ferns as healing plants in medieval Mallorca, Spain? Evidence from human dental calculus INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY 2019
Explotación de Recursos en Época Medieval – Análisis del Contenido del Cálculo Dental de la Necrópolis de Cal Guardià (VII-IX cal AD; Argentona, Barcelona) Actas del Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Antropología Física 2019
The population of Can Reiners. Demography and life conditions on Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) during the Middle Ages JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 2017
The study of dental occlusion in ancient skeletal remains from Mallorca (Spain): a new approach based on dental clinical practice HOMO 2017
A Congenital Sternum Anomaly from a Late Roman burial from Mallorca, Spain. ANTHROPOLOGIE 2016
Lo studio antropologico dei resti cremati Le signore dell’Alpago. La necropoli preromana di ‘Pian de la Gnela’, Pieve d’Alpago (Belluno) 2015
The necropolis of Can Reiners (7th c. AD, Mallorca, Spain): demography, health, and lifestyle 2015

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