Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Connected graph partitioning with aggregated and non‐aggregated gap objective functions | NETWORKS | 2023 |
On finding connected balanced partitions of trees | DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS | 2021 |
Max flow vitality in general and st‐planar graphs | NETWORKS | 2019 |
Uniform and most uniform partitions of trees | DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION | 2018 |
Some polynomial special cases for the minimum gap graph partitioning problem | 16th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, CTW 2018 - Proceedings of the Workshop | 2018 |
Partitioning a Graph into Connected Components with Fixed Centers and Optimizing Cost-Based Objective Functions or Equipartition Criteria | NETWORKS | 2016 |
On a class of parameter estimator in linear models dominating the least square one | DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING | 2016 |
Algorithms for uniform centered partitions of trees | ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS | 2016 |
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