Luigi Tarani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Nerve growth factor in brain diseases BIOMEDICAL REVIEWS 2018
Phenotype and genotype of 87 patients with Mowat-Wilson syndrome and recommendations for care GENETICS IN MEDICINE 2018
Neuroimaging findings in Mowat-Wilson syndrome: a study of 54 patients GENETICS IN MEDICINE 2017
Unreliable estimation of prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome THE LANCET GLOBAL HEALTH 2017
Association of autoimmune thyroiditis and celiac disease with Juvenile Polyposis due to 10q23.1q23.31 deletion. Potential role of PI3K/Akt pathway dysregulation EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS 2017
FOXP1-related intellectual disability syndrome: a recognisable entity EJMG 2017
TMJ replacement utilizing patient-fitted TMJ TJR devices in a re-ankylosis child JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2016
Neurotrophins' modulation by olive polyphenols CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2016
Variability in a three-generation family with pierre robin sequence, acampomelic campomelic dysplasia, and intellectual disability due to a novel ∼1 Mb deletion upstream of SOX9, and including KCNJ2 and KCNJ16 BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH. PART A, CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR TERATOLOGY 2016
Follow-up about two case reports after posaconazole therapy MEDICAL RESEARCH ARCHIVES 2016
Fetal growth patterns in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome CLINICAL GENETICS 2016
Detection of auto‐antibodies to DAT in the serum. Interactions with DAT genotype and psychostimulant therapy for ADHD JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY 2015
The use of piezosurgery in cranial surgery in children THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 2015
(Epi)genotype–phenotype correlations in Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2015
TNF-α and IL-10 modulation induced by polyphenols extracted by olive pomace in a mouse model of paw inflammation ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ 2015
Genetica Manuale di Pediatria 2015
Serum BDNF and NGF Modulation by Olive Polyphenols in Alcoholics during Withdrawal JOURNAL OF ALCOHOL DRUG DEPENDENCE 2015
La sindrome feto-alcolica: Un approccio clinico per il pediatra MEDICO E BAMBINO 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma