Marco Salvati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Examining and understanding patterns of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral jealousy: Dispositional Mindfulness as a protective factor in romantic relationships JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS 2022
Measuring predictors of psychopathology in Italian adolescents: Forgiveness, avoidance and revenge CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Twitter as social media arena for polarised social representations about the (im)migration: The controversial discourse in the Italian and international political frame MIGRATION STUDIES 2021
Social Exclusion and Anti-Immigration Attitudes in Europe: The mediating role of Interpersonal Trust SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2021
Esclusione sociale e atteggiamenti anti-immigrazione in Europa: Il ruolo di mediatore della fiducia interpersonale. book of abstracts XVII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE DELL’AIP 2021
Is Covid-19 a natural event? Covid-19 pandemic and conspiracy beliefs PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2021
Masculinity threat and implicit associations with feminine gay men: Sexual orientation, sexual stigma, and traditional masculinity PSYCHOLOGY OF MEN & MASCULINITY 2021
Psychometric Properties and Correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 Nations JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Being mindful in the tax context in Italy: Examining whether and how mindfulness relates with tax evasion intentions and support for tax progressivity PLOS ONE 2021
Why are gay leaders perceived as ineffective? The role of the type of organization, sexual prejudice and gender stereotypes PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2020
Perceived leadership effectiveness among heterosexual and gay men: Do leaders' sexual orientation and gender typicality make a difference? PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 2020
Introduction to the special issue: Sexual prejudice and stereotyping in modern societies PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE 2020
Verbal, physical, and relational peer victimization: The role of immigrant status and gender PSICOTHEMA 2020
Social exclusion lowers working memory capacity in gay-men but not in heterosexual-men APPLIED COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Transversal polarised discourse about “immigration” through multiple social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube INTED2020 Proceedings 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2020
Interpersonal Forgiveness and Adolescent Depression. The Mediational Role of Self-reassurance and Self-criticism JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 2020
The bitter taste of revenge: Negative affect, depression and anxiety CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Contact With Gay Men and Lesbian Women Moderates the Negative Relationship Between Religiosity and Endorsement of Same-Sex Unions’ and Families’ Rights SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2020
The mindful way out of materialism: Mindfulness mediates the association between regulatory modes and materialism CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Dispositional mindfulness moderates the association between social value orientation and in-group love and out-group hate CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2020

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