Advanced PolyMat
The research group Advanced Polymer Materials & Composites conducts research in the areas of:
- Bioactive and stimuli-responsive hydrogels from natural and synthetic polymers for biomedical applications;
- Polymer materials and composites with improved radiation and thermal/mechanical resistance for applications in space environment;
- Polymer/hydrogel materials for radiation shielding applications;
- Thermal analysis of polymer materials and polymer-matrix composites (PMC) by differential scanning calorimetry;
- Analysis of surface wettability and surface energy of materials by optical tensiometry;
- Engineering of biosensing surfaces using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
The laboratory is equipped with the following equipment: setup for polymer synthesis by controlled polymerization under inert atmosphere, electrospinning setup, optical tensiometer DataPhysics OCA 15 PRO, optical microscope Leica DMLP, differential scanning calorimeter PerkinElmer DSC 8500, potentiostat/galvanostat Gamry Reference 600 with VistaShield Faraday cage.