Prof. Fimia carries out his research actiivity at the “Cell Stress Biology” laboratory of Department of Molecular Medicine, as well as at the Cell Biology and Electron Microscopy lab of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases (INMI) L. Spallanzani in Rome,
where the Prof. Fimia has part of his research group to carry out research activity on the basis of a formal Collaborative Agreement.
The research expertise includes molecular biology, cell biology, gene expression and proteomics. In particular,
the lab is equipped with a systems biology platform including mass spectrometers, bidimensional gel electrophoresis,
HPLC, software for data mining, Real-Time PCR systems, electrophoresis and blotting apparatus, super and
ultracentrifuges, cell culture cabinets and incubators, confocal and electron microscopy systems. The group has also
access to P3 and P4 containment laboratories at INMI, and equipment required for immunology, such as flow cytometers and
multiple cytokine analyzer.