2016 - EESMS 2016 : 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems : proceedings : June 13-14, 2016, Bari, Italy
2016 - EESMS 2016 : 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, proceedings June 13-14, 2016, Bari, Italy
Di Bernardino, Annalisa; De Serio, Francesca; Mossa, Michele; Pini, Agnese; Leuzzi, Giovanni; Monti, Paolo
2016 - Proceedings of International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP
Lamedica, Regina; Pompili, Massimo; Cauzillo, B. A.; Sangiovanni, Silvia; Calcara, Luigi; Ruvio, Alessandro
2016 - 19th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2016
2016 - 19th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2016
Codino, Asia; Gatta, Fabio Massimo; Geri, Alberto; Lamedica, Regina; Lauria, Stefano; Maccioni, Marco; Ruvio, Alessandro; Calone, R.
2016 - Proceedings of International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP 2016
Hafezi, H.; Faranda, R.; Falvo, Maria Carmen
2016 - AEIT 2016 - International Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Energy and ICT Networks of the Future
Pompili, Massimo; Calcara, Luigi; Sturchio, Alfonso; Catanzaro, Francesco
2016 - AEIT 2016 - International Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Energy and ICT Networks of the Future
Ciancamerla, E.; Minichino, M.; Falvo, Maria Carmen; Martirano, Luigi
2016 - AEIT 2016 - International Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Energy and ICT Networks of the Future
Spalvieri, C.; Lamedica, R.; Gatta, F. M.; Ruvio, A.; Pantalone, L.
2016 - AEIT 2016 - International Annual Conference: Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Area, Energy and ICT Networks of the Future
Buffarini, G. G.; Trezza, G.; Consalvi, R.; Lamedica, R.; Ruvio, A.; Muzi, S.