
2017 - Territori competitivi e progetti di reti / Competitive territories and design of networks
2017 - Poised to adapt: enacting resilience potential through design, governance and organization. Proceedings
2017 - Poised to Adapt: Enacting resilience potential through design, governance and organization
Adriaensen, A.; Patriarca, R.; Smoker, A.; And, Bergstrom
2017 - 2017 AEIT International Annual Conference: Infrastructures for Energy and ICT: Opportunities for Fostering Innovation, AEIT 2017
2017 - Spaces of dialog for places of dignity
Andreucci, Maria Beatrice; D’Ascanio, Romina; Palazzo, Anna Laura; Rolf, Werner
2017 - Resilience. The 2nd international workshop on modelling of physical, economic and social systems for resilience assessment

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