
2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2020
Mazzoli, R.; Dardouri, M.; El Khil, S. K.; Boccaletti, C.
2020 - 2020 IEEE International smart cities conference, ISC2 2020
Iannarelli, G.; Bosisio, A.; Greco, B.; Moscatiello, C.; Boccaletti, C.
2020 - 2020 IEEE International smart cities conference, ISC2 2020
Boccaletti, C.; Moscatiello, C.; Jubran, M.; Takruri, H.; Abdelati, M.; Munilla, J.
Scialanga, Micaela; Cordella, Barbara; Gennaro, Alessandro; Rea, Alessandra; Grillo, Valeria; Rubano, Cristina
2020 - IH and MMSec 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security
Amerini, I.; Caldelli, R.
2020 - VII National congress of bioengineering proceedings
Franzo', Michela; Carrani, Eugenio; Asaro, Mauro; Caton, Edward; Tucker, Keith; Armstrong, Richard; Young, Elaine; Sampaolo, Letizia; Bini, Fabiano; Marinozzi, Franco; Torre, Marina
2020 - VII National congress of bioengineering proceedings
Franzo', Michela; Francesco, D'Agostino; Catello, Chierchia; Katiuscia, Cucchiara; Eugenio, Carrani; Letizia, Sampaolo; Elisabetta, Stella; Marina, Torre; Mauro, Asaro
2020 - Redefining Ancient Textile Handcraft Structures, Tools and Production Processes. Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Granada, Spain 2-4 October 2019). PURPUREAE VESTES VII Textiles and Dyes in Antiquity
Galli, Marco; Cardarelli, Viviana; Coletti, Francesca; Failli, Flavia; Montali, Ivana; Morretta, Simona
2020 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Wrobel, M.; Starczewski, J. T.; Napoli, C.
2020 - Contesti, forme e riflessi della censura. Creazione, ricezione e canoni culturali tra XVI e XX secolo
Lauro, Roberto; Agresta, Nicoletta; Golia, Francesca; Pelagalli, Paola; Bidona, Antonietta; Mauriello, Serena; Macera, Ilaria; Saverna, Ludovica; Carcione, Miriam; Raffini, Daniel; Maria Rossi, Eugenia; Onelli, Corinna; Esposito, Matilde; Asselot, Aliénor; Erbosi, Flavia; Ridani, Cecilia
2020 - Atti della IV Conferenza Nazionale delle Dottorande e dei Dottorandi in Scienze Sociali, 5-6 Settembre 2019
2020 - Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Philosophy and economics in the era of digital transformation"
2020 - The archaeology of Mithraism. New finds and approaches to Mithras-worship
2020 - n: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2020. Springer, Cham.
Grimaldi, Roberta; Sciarretta, Eliseo; Parente, Giovanni Andrea
2020 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2020. Springer, Cham.
Grimaldi, Roberta; Sciarretta, Eliseo; Parente, Giovanni Andrea; Maria Medaglia, Carlo
2020 - Creativity and reality. The art of building future cities proceeding
2020 - Natura Società Letteratura, Atti del XXII Congresso dell’ADI - Associazione degli Italianisti (Bologna, 13-15 settembre 2018), a cura di A. Campana e F. Giunta
Bubba, Angela
2020 - 5th Isuf International Conference Rome, 19-22 February 2020 PROCEEDINGS
Pusceddu, Alessandra
2020 -
Pusceddu, Alessandra

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