
Simeoli, Chiara; Auriemma, Renata Simona; Tortora, Fabio; De Leo, Monica; Iacuaniello, Davide; Cozzolino, Alessia; De Martino, Maria Cristina; Pivonello, Claudia; Mainolfi, Ciro Gabriele; Rossi, Riccardo; Cirillo, Sossio; Colao, Annamaria; Pivonello, Rosario
2015 - The Citadel 2. Fascinations of the Ancient Erbil heart of Iraqi Kurdistan / La Cittadella 2. Fascinazioni dell'antica Erbil cuore del Kurdistan in Iraq
2015 - The Citadel. Fascinations of the Ancient Erbil heart of Iraqui Kurdistan = La Cittadella2. Fascinazioni dell'antica Erbil cuore del Kurdistan in Iraq
2015 - PLOS ONE
Marino, Mariapaola; Scuderi, Flavia; Samengo, Daniela; Saltelli, Giorgia; Maiuri, Maria Teresa; Shen, Chengyong; Mei, Lin; Sabatelli, Mario; Pani, Giovambattista; Antonini, Giovanni; Evoli, Amelia; Bartoccioni, Emanuela
2015 - ArchitetturaOltre14. Le forme dell'acqua: progettare sul mare nel mare col mare
2015 - Epilepsy Towards the Next Decade. New Trends and Hopes in Epileptology
Mazaheri, Yousef; Goldman, Debra A.; Di Paolo, Pier Luigi; Akin, Oguz; Hricak, Hedvig
Di Paolo, Pier Luigi; Vargas, Hebert Alberto; Karlo, Christoph A.; Lakhman, Yulia; Zheng, Junting; Moskowitz, Chaya S.; Al-Ahmadie, Hikmat A.; Sala, Evis; Bochner, Bernard H.; Hricak, Hedvig
Spaliviero, Massimiliano; Poon, Bing Ying; Aras, Omer; Di Paolo, Pier Luigi; Guglielmetti, Giuliano B.; Coleman, Christian Z.; Karlo, Christoph A.; Bernstein, Melanie L.; Sjoberg, Daniel D.; Russo, Paul; Touijer, Karim A.; Akin, Oguz; Coleman, Jonathan A.
2015 - BERICHTE DES INSTITUTES FÜR GEOLOGIE UND PALÄONTOLOGIE DER KARL-FRANZENS-UNIVERSITÄT GRAZ, ÖSTERREICHStrati 2015 - Second International Congress on Stratigraphy - Graz, Austria - 19-23/07/2015, Abstracts
Pignatti, J.; Papazzoni, C. A.
2015 - Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Smart City, SmartCity 2015, Held Jointly with 8th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking, SocialCom 2015, 5th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Communications, SustainCom 2015, 2015 International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing, DataCom 2015, 5th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing, SC2 2015
El Hamied, Marwa Ahmed Abd
2015 - THE GENERATION OF GIANTS 2. Other champions of the cultural dialogue between Europe and China

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