
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) has established as a unique method in combining acquisition of morphological, functional and tissue characterization information in a single non-invasive examination.

Thanks to the possibility of combining multiparametric data acquisition and a

highly sophisticated, quantitative image analysis, CMR has now became the method of choice for the investigation of a large number of myocardial diseases.

However, the rapid development of more elaborate sequences determined an increasing complex mass of data that requires the implementation and a further development of more advanced image analysis software.

Current research trends in cardiovascular imaging are aimed to improve and refine techniques both on the quantitative analysis of tissue relaxivity, on the geometric mechanic distortions of the cardiac chambers over the cycle and the three-dimensional evaluation of the blood flows.

This requires today to move towards to an analysis in 4D environment and to combine the different parametric tissue characteristics in fusion maps.

The proposed software enables to perform tissue mapping, advanced analysis of myocardial contraction through feature tracking algorithm and evaluation of 4D flow dataset. Moreover, the recent development of artificial intelligence systems promises to provided new valuable diagnostic tools in post-processing and finding interpretation.

To maintain cutting – edge researches in the CMR field there is absolute need of these state-of-the-art features, which are currently lacking or only partially available on our MRI systems.

Tissue mapping pulse sequences are currently only available in one of our 1.5T scanner, while 4D flow sequences only as prototype on a 3T scanner with limited application.
Feature tracking technique is a analysis algorithm exploiting the information already present on the traditional ECG-gated cineMR images, widely available in all of our scanner.

Having these software tools available would allow us to collaborate on equal terms with the most modern research centers, with the possibility of being leaders in international studies with centralized data analysis.

The rise of artificial intelligence has yet to come, as extensive validation of algorithms in several different populations is needed before clinical application. In this context there are several ongoing multicentric studies that we could participate in, if we had advanced enough hardware and software.

With time, the absence of these techniques will become heavier and heavier, and will inevitably reflect on the attractiveness of our institution.


Descrizione dettagliata delle attrezzature richieste




The cmr42 software produced by the Circle Cardiovascular is the best tool currently available on the market that enables to transform the CMR examination from simple morphological-functional acquisition to a real source of a large variety of qualitative and quantitative data. It allows in a few minutes to evaluate:


1) Functional analysis of left and right ventricles

° Easily detect wall motion abnormality. Autodisplay - powered by Deep Learning - of stroke volume, ejection fraction and end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes and masses.

° Short axis 3D (Full ventricular and atrial assessment; Fully automated Deep Learning based contour detection; Circle’s thresholding tool);

° Multiple Long Axis (Quick and highly reproducible LV assessment Semiautomatic contour detection Dynamic assessment of atrioventricular junction); 

° Bi-Triplanar (LV and LA/RA assessment, Fully automated Deep Learning based contour detection, Semi-automatic LV contouring)

° Customizable segmentation, including the AHA

° Polar maps for wall thickness and wall movement analysis

° Tissue Tracking Module (2D and 3D global and regional LV/RV strain analysis, Calculation of radial, circumferential and longitudinal strain including strain rate, displacement, velocity and torsion and torsion rate)

2) Perfusion Analysis

° Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis

° Contour identification and automatic registration

° Graphic visualization of the SI (AHA and other models)

° View rest and stress images next to scar and wall motion

° Semi-quantitative analysis

° Polar map display of perfusion parameters including MPRI

3) Tissue Characterization

Assessment of myocardial perfusion, scar, edema, MVO, ECV and Iron concentration.

° Early and late enhancement and T2 weighted imaging

Semi-automatic, regional and global scar, edema and MVO analysis

° Global and regional T1 & T2 maping analysis

Motion correction and registration

T1, T2 and ECV map generation with customizable color tables

Contour identification


Global and regional T2* analysis

T2* color overlay Reporting of iron content

4) Flow Analysis

° Quantify flow, automatically calculate QP:QS and correct for aliasing,

° 2D Flow: Full flow analysis including volumes, regurgitation fraction, velocities, gradients, etc; Semi-automatic contour detection; Offset correction and antialiasing; Flow comparisons and Qp/Qs calculation

° 4D Flow:

- Pre-Processing

Ability to crop large data sets to a region of interest for faster processing

Customizable offset correction and phase unwrapping

Comprehensive 4D viewer to preview flow dynamics

- Segmentation

Fully automated PC-MRA calculation

Advanced vessel segmentation based on signal intensity thresholds

Semi-automatic centerline extraction for multiple structures

Export volume as STL file

- Analysis

Diverse flow visualization options (velocity, vectors, pathlines and streamlines)

Multiple and flexible planes of analysis

Centerline based and free-plane navigation

Automated vessel lumen detection and planar flow measurement including net flow, peak velocities and regurgitation

- Advanced Clinical Tools

Energy loss calculation and visualization

Visualization and calculation of direct, residual, delayed and retained ventricular flow components

- Advanced Research Tools

Advanced research tools are for research purposes only.

Calculation of Pulse Wave Velocity

Relative Pressure Mapping

Circumferential and axial Wall Shear Stress in 2D and global Wall Shear Sress in 3D 

5) Module for 3D / 4D Anatomical Visualization

° Visualization of 4D cine animation of multi-phase 3D data

° Customizable tables for color coding

The cmr42 software also allows the import of DICOM images from all sources.

Fonte di Finanziamento: 
Media o grande attrezzatura acquisita/cofinanziata con fondi di Ateneo
anno del bando: 
anno di collaudo: 
Nome e acronimo del laboratorio o locale che ospita l'attrezzatura: 
Radiologia Centrale Piano 2 Stanza 215
PL027 - Radiologia Centrale
Elenco Imprese utenti: 
Elenco altri utenti: 
Ricavi - trasferimenti interni: 
fatture emesse: 
spese manutenzione: 
Responsabile dell'Attrezzatura:
Settore ERC: 
Ambiti tecnologici trasversali - Key Enabling Technologies: 
Fabrication & Manufacturing
Keyword iris: 
Stato dell'attrezzatura: 
In fase di acquisizione

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma