Recently, a novel task has been proposed within the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community where systems are tasked to generate usage examples given or more words along with their textual definitions. Named Exemplification Modeling, this task carries an interesting potential for both human and computer-based applications. However, likely owing to its novelty, access to its systems has been mostly restricted to researchers only. To address this issue, we propose here to develop a new platform providing simple and straightforward access to a state-of-the-art Exemplification Modeling system via a web interface and RESTful APIs.
In this work, we will develop the first open platform for Exemplification Modeling, featuring a state-of-the-art ExMod system and human- and computer-wise simple querying interfaces. In particular, we will develop a web interface for human applications and RESTful APIs for computer ones. Furthermore, as mentioned above, we plan on exploring a number of research directions that might result in performance improvements.