Ancient DNA analysis of dental calculus to infer lifestyle, health and origin of human populations

Ancient DNA analysis of dental calculus to infer lifestyle, health and origin of human populations

With Katerina Guschanski (University of Edinburgh) and Mary Anne Tafuri (Sapienza University) we are using ancient DNA extracted from dental calculus of classical and post-classical individuals dating to I-VIII century CE, to gain novel insights into the diets, health statuses, and origins of human populations that lived in central Italy.

Recontructing paleoenvironments using ancient DNA

Recontructing paleoenvironments using ancient DNA

We are using the metabarcoding tecnique on sedimentary DNA (sedDNA) from three volcanic Italian lakes: Lago Grande di Monticchio, Lago di Nemi, and Lago di Martignano. At Monticchio, we have already identified over 90 plant taxa from a long sediment core covering the period from 1.4 to 31 thousand years before present. To maximize our results, we have developed new strategies to improve DNA extraction from mineral-adsorbed samples and counteract PCR inhibition. We are also testing new probes designed to capture short plant DNA sequences using shotgun sequencing.

Marine mammals ecology and acoustics

Marine mammals ecology and acoustics

Within the Marine Ecology and Biology Lab, this research team is focused on marine mammals’ ecology, behaviour, acoustics and conservation, as well as on noise in the marine environment, and the impact of noise on marine mammals.


Competencies of the Group of Marine Ecology and Biology 

Ecologia delle specie ittiche e metodiche per la mappatura biocenotica dei sistemi marini costieri

Ecologia delle specie ittiche e metodiche per la mappatura biocenotica dei sistemi marini costieri

Il Laboratorio di Ecologia e Biologia Marina è una struttura afferente al Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale che si avvale delle competenze multidisciplinari del Dott. Daniele Ventura, del Dott. Andrea Belluscio, del Dott. Edoardo Casoli, della Dott.ssa Daniela Silvia Pace  e del Prof. G.D. Ardizzone.

Ecologia del Benthos

Ecologia del Benthos

Il gruppo svolge attività di ricerca di base e di tipo applicativo/sperimentale, finalizzate a comprendere i processi biologici ed ecologici che governano le comunità bentoniche marine, il loro sfruttamento, e gli impatti dalle attività antropiche e del cambiamento climatico.

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