Ultra-high performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) equipped with a manual injector and coupled with multi detectors: photodiode array PDA, fluorimetric detector FLD and electronic circular dichroism ECD detector. This equipment allows fast and ultra-fast separations with high sensitivity and high resolution. In addition looking to the only ECD, the acquisition of UV/CD spectrum for each molecules can be obtained.
Fonte di Finanziamento:
Media o grande attrezzatura acquisita/cofinanziata con fondi di Ateneo
anno del bando:
anno di collaudo:
Name and acronym of the laboratory or room hosting the Infrastructure:
Lab 3-3 Stereochimica Organica
Department or host center:
CU032 - Chimica - Caglioti Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali
Laboratory / Infrastructure web page:
Servizi offerti:
Development of fast and ultra-fast separations with high sensitivity and high resolution mainly for separation of enantiomers. In addition looking to the only ECD, the acquisition of UV/CD spectrum for each molecules can be obtained. Additionally, on request, the ECD experimental spectra can be compared with those simulated after computational analysis aiming to define the absolute configuration of single stereoisomer.
surname | name | |
Ciogli | Alessia |
Dipartimenti interessati:
Elenco Imprese utenti:
Elenco altri utenti:
Ricavi - trasferimenti interni:
fatture emesse:
data |
14/11/2024 |
spese manutenzione:
anno |
2024 |
Scientific coordinator:
ERC scientific sector:
Ambiti tecnologici trasversali - Key Enabling Technologies:
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies
Keyword iris:
organic chemistry
Infrastructure status:
In funzione