
SISTEMA HPLC serie LC-4000 JASCO con detector CD e detector FP


Ultra-high performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) equipped with a manual injector and coupled with multi detectors: photodiode array PDA, fluorimetric detector FLD and electronic circular dichroism ECD detector. This equipment allows fast and ultra-fast separations with high sensitivity and high resolution. In addition looking to the only ECD, the acquisition of UV/CD spectrum for each molecules can be obtained. 

Patch clamp recording and fluorescence monitoring system for brain cells and slices- MicroSynRec


the integrated electrophysiology/fluorescence system allows the concomitant monitoring of membrane currents and fluorescence in brain cellsform acute brain slices.

The laboratory is optimized for patch clamp recording of evoked and spontaneous synaptic activity. moreover, it allows the rapid application of exogenous subtances. fluorescence monitoring allows the analysis of cells and cell processes movement in slices

Profact - recombinant protein factory


Profact - Protein Factory Training Lab - is a research lab (BSL1) for medium throughput production of biomass for recombinant protein expression. 
ProFact-Lab is hosted at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli” (CU027), known for its long-lasting experience on recombinant protein production and characterization.

Profact - recombinant protein factory


Profact - Protein Factory Training Lab - is a research lab (BSL1) for medium throughput production of biomass for recombinant protein expression. 
ProFact-Lab is hosted at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli” (CU027), known for its long-lasting experience on recombinant protein production and characterization.


Il Protein Factory Training Lab è un laboratorio di ricerca biologico (BSL1), volto alla produzione su media scala di biomassa per l’ espressione di proteine ricombinanti. ProFact-Lab è ospitato nel Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche “A. Rossi Fanelli” (CU027), un luogo che vanta una lunga tradizione di produzione e caratterizzazione di proteine ricombinanti e loro ingegnerizzazione (dsb.uniroma1.it).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma