Profact - Protein Factory Training Lab - is a research lab (BSL1) for medium throughput production of biomass for recombinant protein expression.
ProFact-Lab is hosted at the Department of Biochemical Sciences “A. Rossi Fanelli” (CU027), known for its long-lasting experience on recombinant protein production and characterization.
Recombinant proteins production is a well-established approach to develop novel therapeutics and for innovative biotechnological and industrial applications, including the green chemistry.
The facility consists of two fully equipped labs for the medium scale production of bacterial and eukaryotic biomass, including the uncommon possibility to grow cells under refrigerated temperature (above 16°C). This feature could represent a unicum to improve the correct folding and solubility of those proteins difficult to be overexpressed at room temperature, by keeping at minimum the inclusion bodies production.
The eukaryotic facility consists of a fully equipped pipeline for cell culture, such as mammals HEK293, into an orbital shaking incubator with CO2 supplementation; this set up yields medium-throughput biomass for recombinant protein expression.
surname | name | |
Rinaldo | Serena | |
Cutruzzolà | Francesca |
data |
29/04/2022 |
anno |
2022 |