Paolo Pani


Title Published on Year
How to assess the primordial origin of single gravitational-wave events with mass, spin, eccentricity, and deformability measurements PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Detecting Subsolar-Mass Primordial Black Holes in Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals with LISA and Einstein Telescope PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2022
Ranking Love Numbers for the Neutron Star Equation of State: The Need for Third-Generation Detectors PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2022
Compact elastic objects in general relativity PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Searching for a subpopulation of primordial black holes in LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave data PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY 2022
Superradiant instabilities by accretion disks in scalar-tensor theories PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Multipolar structure of rotating boson stars PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Dark photon superradiance quenched by dark matter PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Inspiraling compact objects with generic deformations PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
From inflation to black hole mergers and back again: Gravitational-wave data-driven constraints on inflationary scenarios with a first-principle model of primordial black holes across the QCD epoch PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Impact and detectability of spin-tidal couplings in neutron star inspirals PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Constraining High-redshift Stellar-mass Primordial Black Holes with Next-generation Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS 2022
Fundamental Physics in the Gravitational-Wave Era NUCLEAR PHYSICS NEWS 2022
Searching for mass-spin correlations in the population of gravitational-wave events: The GWTC-3 case study PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2022
Primordial black holes in matter-dominated eras: The role of accretion PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B 2022
The multipolar structure of fuzzballs JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2021
Constraining the primordial black hole scenario with Bayesian inference and machine learning: The GWTC-2 gravitational wave catalog PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2021
Bayesian evidence for both astrophysical and primordial black holes: mapping the GWTC-2 catalog to third-generation detectors JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS 2021
Detectable Environmental Effects in GW190521-like Black-Hole Binaries with LISA PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2021


  • PE2_1
  • PE9_11


gravitational waves
black holes

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