Paolo Pani


Title Published on Year
Nonlinear photon-plasma interaction and the black hole superradiant instability PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024
Compact objects in and beyond the standard model from nonperturbative vacuum scalarization PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024
Tidal Love numbers and approximate universal relations for fermion soliton stars PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024
Rotating metrics and new multipole moments from scattering amplitudes in arbitrary dimensions PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024
Can we identify primordial black holes? Tidal tests for subsolar-mass gravitational-wave observations PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2024
General spherical harmonic bra-ket overlap integrals of trigonometric functions CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 2023
Modeling frequency-dependent tidal deformability for environmental black hole mergers PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Parametrized post-Einsteinian framework for precessing binaries PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Novel Ringdown Amplitude-Phase Consistency Test PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023
Constraining the tidal deformability of supermassive objects with extreme mass ratio inspirals and semianalytical frequency-domain waveforms PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
What Is the Fate of Hawking Evaporation in Gravity Theories with Higher Curvature Terms? PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2023
Nonperturbative gedanken experiments in Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Nonlinear transitions and tests of the cosmic censorship beyond general relativity PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Black hole superradiant instability for massive spin-2 fields PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Fermion soliton stars PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Fermion soliton stars with asymmetric vacua PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Bayesian parameter estimation on boson-star binary signals with a coherent inspiral template and spin-dependent quadrupolar corrections PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Stochastic gravitational-wave background at 3G detectors as a smoking gun for microscopic dark matter relics PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Searching for primordial black holes with the Einstein Telescope: Impact of design and systematics PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2023
Science with the Einstein Telescope: a comparison of different designs JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS 2023
Detecting fundamental fields with LISA observations of gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals NATURE ASTRONOMY 2022


  • PE2_1
  • PE9_11


gravitational waves
black holes

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma