Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

Migrants living in the area of Castel Volturno (CE) are people in state of chronic poverty because of limited rights, fragile livelihoods, lack of basic facilities and all the endemic problems of a challenging region. The pathologies that they encounter - malnutrition, hypertension, and diabetes - are often a direct consequence of a rather low quality of life, inadequate nutrition and limited access to food.

The aim of the study is to assess food insecurity among migrants living in Castel Volturno.

The objective of the project is to report the current severity of food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES), a statistical measurement scale designed by FAO.

A representative FIES Survey Module (FIES-SM), consisting of eight questions regarding people's access to adequate food, is integrated with questions on the individual¿s age and family status. The questionnaire is conducted using multi-stage cluster random sampling.

Preliminary, the idea is to divide the population into clusters and sub-clusters building an area list where each neighborhood with 5 households constituted a sub-cluster, covering the entire geographical area. Then, households are randomly selected. Following the selection of a first household, snowball sampling is used, which is a method consisting of asking the respondent to give the address of other eligible respondents in the same neighborhood.
Finally, data are validated and analyzed to calculate the prevalence of food insecurity.

Migrants¿ condition needs urgent programs to respond to the food and health situation.

Componenti gruppo di ricerca: 

La ricerca risulta innovita per alcune ragioni principali

-la metodologia FIES utilizzata e¿ la prima scala di misura al mondo che rende comparabili i livelli di insicurezza alimentare locale con quelli nazionali ed internazionali

- esistono pochissimi studi sull¿applicazione della FIES a livello locale e nessuno studio sull¿applicazione in Italia Meridionale

-non esistono ricerche in merito alle condizioni di insicurezza alimentare dei migranti nell `area geografica di Castel Volturno

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma