microscopio FT-IR LUMOS II IMGX per analisi di microparticelle

Responsabile dell'Attrezzatura

The LUMOS II combines easy handling with cutting-edge FPA imaging performance for highest spatial resolution close to the diffraction limit. All switchable hardware parts are motorized and are automatically set as required within the analytical workflow.

Imaging measurements are performed fully automated in attenuated total reflection (ATR), reflection, or transmission, including background data acquisition. In addition to the imaging Focal Plane detector LUMOS II is equipped with two single element MCT detectors for single point mapping: the thermoelectrically cooled TE-MCT provides instant measurement readiness and the liquid nitrogen cooled mid-band MCT delivers peak sensitivity at maximum spatial resolution.

A piezo-driven, pressure-controlled ATR-crystal is integrated in the 8x Cassegrain objective. A long working distance and a good accessibility of the sample stage allow a very convenient positioning even of relatively large samples. The wide field of view and high visual quality ease finding the region of interest on the sample.

The OPUS software guides the operator step by step through the microscopic analysis and provides an extensive set of functions for effective data evaluation, visualization and reporting.

The LUMOS II exclusively utilizes durable and reliable high-quality components with a long lifetime, Thanks to ZnSe optics and beam splitter LUMOS II is inert against humidity, allowing operation without dry gas purge. Outside liquid nitrogen for FPA detector and the LN-MCT cooling, no consumables are required to operate LUMOS II. The PerformanceGuard continuously monitors the spectrometer electronics as well as optical and mechanical components to permanently assure the correct functioning of the complete instrument.



- Standalone FTIR spectrometer microscope, compact dimensions: 30 x 79 x 65 cm (w x h x d)

- Sealed and desiccated housing, prepared for purge with dry air or nitrogen

- Optics: Gold mirrors for highest Mid-IR sensitivity, ZnSe windows and beam splitter, inert against humidity

- RockSolid interferometer: high throughput, permanent alignment, long lifetime > 10 years

- Diode laser, high wavenumber accuracy and precision, long life time > 10 years

- Source: SiC globar, long life-time > 5 years.

- Focal Plane Array detector for imaging and mapping analysis with highest spatial resolution, 1,024 pixels (32x32), spectral range typ. 5,000-750 cm-1, integrated electronic system. Liquid nitrogen cooled. Automated pixel-by-pixel wavenumber calibration (PermaSure+) for optimal wavenumber accuracy and consistency. Pixel resolution: 5 μm (transmission, reflection), 1.25 μm (ATR). Data Acquisition speed: > 500 spectra per s @ 4 cm-1 spectral resolution.

- Mid band TE-MCT detector; spectral range: 6,000-670 cm-1; thermoelectrically cooled, including preamplifier; true 24-bit ADC.

- Mid band MCT-detector, spectral range: 6,000-600 cm-1, liquid N2 cooled, including preamplifier; true 24-bit ADC.

- Data acquisition speed with single element detectors: 5 spectra every s @ 4cm-1 spectral resolution

- Software-controlled switch between all detectors

- Spectral resolution: better than 2 cm-1; option: better than 0.8 cm-1

- 8x Cassegrain objective for measurements in transmission, reflection and attenuated total reflection (ATR); NA (0.6), working distance (30 mm); equipped with a motorized ATR crystal for automated ATR measurements with pressure control

- Motorized condenser with automated adjustment for transmission (autofocus) and automated parking for reflection and ATR

- Fast CMOS camera; 2592 x 1944 pixels; 5 MP; 1/2.5"; QSXGA; large field of view of 1.5 mm x 1.2 mm with 0.6 μm pixel resolution; live stream of full-resolution image at 1/2 FOV

- Visual white light LED illumination in reflection and transmission with Koehler illumination for contrast enhancement

- Automated change of numerical aperture (NA) between IR (0.6) and Vis (0.4) mode

- Automated change from IR to Vis mode

- Motorized transparent knife-edge aperture with precise positioning down to 5x5 μm

- Visual autofocus

- Motorized and software-controlled polarizer and analyzer for crossed-polarization, with highly accurate positioning

- Motorized xy sampling stage for fully automated mapping and imaging measurements in all measurement modes; adjustment range: 75x50mm; adjustment accuracy (=smallest step size): 0.1 μm; repeatability: < 1 μm.

- Motorized z drive for xy sampling stage; adjustment range: > 40 mm

- Joystick for xyz-control

- Insertion plate for motorized stage to perform automated background measurements in transmission, reflection and ATR and to perform automated OQ/PQ tests

- Instrument tests for operational and performance qualification (OQ; PQ); including internal calibration procedures for spectral axes (polystyrene standard)

- Permanent monitoring of all essential spectrometer components, system performance and humidity

- Internal validation unit for automated instrument qualification tests with reference standards

- Validated OPUS software, prepared to work fully compliant to GLP and GMP regulations.



- S797C/LMII Transmission channel

- A672/LMIIU Motorized illuminated transparent knife edge aperture in lieu of standard aperture

- D316/LMII+ Mid band MCT-detector, in addition to standard TE-MCT

- A775/LMII Visual polarizer and analyzer, motorized

- S316/7 flow regulator for purge of LUMOSII-IMG with dry air or nitrogen

- D126-317 pumping adapter

- OPUS/Video software with a special GUI guiding the operator through the sample inspection

and data acquisition procedure

- OPUS/3D for data processing, evaluation and visualization

- OPUS/MAP software for control of the motorized xy-stage

- BPAD Bruker Polymer library

ERC scientific sector
Anno di collaudo
Stato dell'attrezzatura
In fase di acquisizione
Nome e acronimo del laboratorio o locale che ospita l'attrezzatura
Laboratorio di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale
RM034 - S. Pietro in Vincoli - Edificio D
Parole chiave
Servizi offerti
Da stabilire una volta completate le fasi di acquisizione e collaudo

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma