Infrastrutture di ricerca

Attrezzatura Responsabile Key Enabling Technologies Descrizione Struttura
μFAB3D Advanced manufacturing & processing Microlight3D is a supplier of 3D microfabrication system and processes. Our μFAB-3D system, based on a two-photon polymerization process, can produce... DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE ODONTOSTOMATOLOGICHE E MAXILLO-FACCIALI
HPLC semi-preparativo serie LC-4000 JASCO_PREPNAT Fabrication & Manufacturing, Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Lo strumento è un sistema di Cromatografia Liquida ad Alta Prestazione (HPLC) progettato per operare sia in modalità analitica che preparativa, in... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIE DEL FARMACO
Fast- and Ultra-Fast liquid chromatography and online circular dichroism and fluorimetric detections, U/HPLC CD-PDA-FP Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Ultra-high performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) equipped with a manual injector and coupled with multi detectors: photodiode array PDA,... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIE DEL FARMACO
Multi-purpose millimetre- and submillimetre-wave testing facility (Vector Network Analyser) for accurate characterisation of quasi optical and waveguide components/systems in the frequency range 75-500 GHz Micro/nano electronics & photonics Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) with extension heads and feed-horns for waveguide and quasi-optical measurements. The facility operates over a large... DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA
Sistema citofluorimetrico BD FACSMelody e FACSynphony Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Sistema Citofluorimetrico costituito da N. 1 Citofluorimetro analizzatore da banco ed unità demo per analisi multiparametriche in citometria... DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA MOLECOLARE
Italian Centre for Native Mass Spectrometry - INCENTIVE MS
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Native MS is a non-denaturing technique which allows to preserve noncovalent interactions and quaternary protein structure in the gas phase. Unlike... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA E TECNOLOGIE DEL FARMACO
Operetta CLS System
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Operetta CLS è un sistema di imaging High-Content. È dotato di un’ottica ad alta risoluzione con obiettivi a immersione, un sistema di... DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA SPERIMENTALE
Microscopio confocale spettrale ZEISS LSM 800
Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Microscopio confocale spettrale ZEISS LSM 800 con 4 Laser su stativo rovesciato ZEISS Axio Observer 7. - Microscopio rovesciato da ricerca... DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIRURGIA "PIETRO VALDONI"
Hybrid Energy Hub (HEH) for microgrids, systems and components with renewables, storage, fuel cells and electric vehicles charging stations integrated in smart buildings and energy communities Sustainable technologies & development The equipment consists in a smart microgrid with multiple and hybrid energy sources, storages and loads, including electric vehicles charging... DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA ASTRONAUTICA, ELETTRICA ED ENERGETICA
High-Throughput Multiscale Imaging of fixed and live biological samples - HTMI Life-science technologies & biotechnologies Scanner Nanoozomer S60NDP Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2 inverted with AX galvano-resonant 2K scanning confocal module and SR DeepSIM module DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOLOGIA E BIOTECNOLOGIE "CHARLES DARWIN"

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma