Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

A multidisciplinary project is proposed to preserve fruits and vegetables by a new optimized bio-packaging system with high performance and reduced environmental impact. A current key challenge of the packaging industry is the replacement of oil-based plastics with eco-sustainable biomaterials. New materials for food packaging must have high-level performances in maintaining shelf-life, food quality and stability from production to consumption. A new biofilm will be developed starting from chitosan powder added with a mixture of officinal essential oils and Aloe Vera gel for ensuring a relevant antimicrobial and antioxidant activity. The obtained biofilm will be totally eco-sustainable, edible, removable, ultra-thin, high film-forming, antimicrobial,
ans capable of preserving local fruits and vegetables that will be selected according to the seasonality and market requirements.
The functionality of the new biofilm will be investigated through a multimethodological protocol consisting of chemical, microbiological, and sensorial analyses applied to fresh and packaged products. Untargeted methodologies will be applied to obtain a comprehensive metabolite profiling, whereas targeted methodologies will allow polyphenols, anthocyanins, carotenoids, volatile compounds, fatty acids and potential contaminants to be obtained. Microbiological and sensorial analyses will be carried out to assess the product quality. The potential changes of the food microstructure will be studied investigating transport phenomena and water dynamics over time. This project will take advantage of the food science, engineering, chemical and nutritional skills of the involved partners. These skills will allow a prototype tested in laboratory and simulated environment to be realized. The project findings will be also a key requisite to reinforce the networking with other partners and companies in this promising research field.

Componenti gruppo di ricerca: 

The proposed project presents several innovative aspects.
- An innovative eco-compatible packaging will proposed to extend the shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables. Literature knowledge regarding the properties of chitosan, officinal essential oils and Aloe vera gel will be used to create suitable new formulation and to develop a new biofilm. A new ultra-thin biofilms, totally eco-sustainable edible, removable and with an enhanced antimicrobial activity capable of extending the fruits and vegetable shelf-life will be proposed as prototype.
- In-depth knowledge of sensorial, chemical and microbiological aspects of selected fresh and packaged vegetables and fruits will be obtained by a multi-disciplinary approach. Literature data concerning food characterization is often incomplete being focused only on specific aspects. The identification of the entire food profile will be of utmost importance to substantiate their potential health benefits in human nutrition.

Long-term impact and future prospective
- thanks to the collaboration network with companies, established within previous research projects, the developed prototype will be proposed to these companies for a large-scale production in which the technology will be tested in its final form and under expected operational conditions (Technology Readiness Level, TRL 8-9);
-processing companies will put on the market products with an extended shelf-life. The improved quality production will allow to reduce waste during the processing phase and to increase their competitiveness in the national, international, and local contexts thought new trade opportunities;
- public exercises and large-scale distribution will offer products with the preservation of natural characteristics and an extended shelf life;
- the final consumers will receive products with maintained safety and quality standard for longer periods and also in adverse conditions.
This project will directly contribute to the training and the professional growth of young researchers. These professional figures with competitive skills will be able to establish a link between companies and research centers ensuring continuity over time in this important sector.
The proposed research will produce crucial know-how exploring new frontiers in the food bio-packaging and will be perfectly aligned with the priorities of the Bioeconomy Strategy reported in 2030 Agenda.

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma