intergenerational tourism

Turismo intergenerazionale per una nuova managerialità e sostenibilità

Intergenerational tourism is an innovative type of tourism, studied and experimented by researchers and professors belonging to the Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee “Tourism Psychology”.
The Scientific Committee was established in 1984 and became an Association of Interdisciplinary Research in Tourism Psychology (A.R.I.P.T.) in 1999, today A.R.I.P.T. Fo.R.P. (since 2012) thanks to the extension of its objectives to training and planning.

Il Laboratorio Incontri Generazionali e le ricerche/sperimentazioni di turismo intergenerazionale in alternanza scuola-lavoro

In a time when relationships between groups of young people and the elderly are mostly superficial or non-existent, the Generational Meetings Laboratory is proposing researches faced on fight against the increasing distance among the generations. Computer languages, one of the main obstacles to communication between generations, have been adopted as tools of the relationship between elderly and young people. The results of further studies encouraged the researchers of the Lab to enrich the experimentations in a tourist context.

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