Alternanza scuola lavoro, turismo intergenerazionale e patto tra le generazioni
Since 1999, the Generational Meetings Laboratory has been proposing research/experimentation on "intergenerational tourism" in different national contexts, collaborating with the A.R.I.P.T. Fo.R.P. Association (Interdisciplinary Research Association of Tourism Psychology - Training, Research, Planning).
Following the guidelines provided by the Managers in Environment and Intergenerational Tourism, these multi-theoretical and multi-methodological studies have used the Law 107/2015 for the Alternating School Work: from 2016 in Sfruz -Trento- and San Pellegrino Terme -Bergamo-; from 2018 in Chiusi -Siena- and Viterbo.
The general training objectives pursued by the project are as follows: the enrichment of the personality of the students, through the relationship with the sensitivities of the small group of the elderly; the interaction between young and elderly people in a phase of identity crisis of the adolescent and the retired; the acquisition of skills for the knowledge of the territory (through intergenerational communication) in its historical, economic, social and cultural evolution; the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage; the learning of communication methods often little known to the elderly through computer labs where young people "teach" the elderly. The new role of student-teacher reinforces the identity of the young person, which slowly connote school learning, transversal knowledge and future professional images...
Among the main results obtained at national level, the contribution presents those of the research/experiments that -started in 2002- were recently conducted in the area of Viterbo, where the class alternation, currently called "Path for transversal skills and guidance" is configured rather as a cycle of preparatory meetings and motivational intergenerational tourism.
Intergenerational tourism in Viterbo stands out for: an intense network work coordinated by Caritas Diocesana in synergy with the Provincial Acli; a themed tourism that evokes traditions, is attentive to the environment and enhances the local history and culture; the continuity of the intergenerational calendar throughout the year. The results confirm the stages of evolution of intergenerational communication introduced by A. Albanese (2001) from the "approach" to "generative creativity"; the latter is expressed in Viterbo in the pact between generations in favour of local communities and the environment.
Intergenerational tourism is thus outlined as one of the new thematic and quality tourism, attentive to the natural and historical-cultural environment that is "protected", "promoted", "socialized" and "strengthened" through the intergenerational relationship, on the basis of collaborations between organizations and institutions, through active initiatives throughout the year.