
Leggere Gomorra – La serie nel frame della Celebrity Culture: audience, fan, micro-celebrities

Gomorra è certamente un titolo di successo, sia nella sua versione editoriale, che in quella filmica, teatrale e televisiva. Un titolo che per alcuni versi può essere considerato a tutti gli effetti un vero e proprio brand, capace di traghettare il suo valore di mercato da un medium all’altro, proponendosi come eccellente esempio di transmedia storytelling.

Introduction, Desecrating Celebrity. Proceedings of the IV International Celebrity Studies Journal Conference

The complex process of being a celebrity is something that no one can predict. It is the variable, occasionally irregular and totally impulsive, result of a continuous negotiation of values and meanings between the audience, the market and the celebrity.
To survive the flowing time and the constant rise of new celebrities, then, a celebrity needs an audience by which to be adored2, which means that the celebrity will be incessantly validated by the audience’s appropriation of the celebrity.

Desecrating celebrity

The issues of degradation, desecration and decelebrification are an integral part of the complex phenomenon of celebrity. Unsurprisingly the switch between steps related to consecration and degradation in celebrity life is a constant: the rise and fall narrative, a central component of star and fan identification streams, and media marketing.

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