structural biology

Laboratorio di biochimica e analisi strutturale

Laboratorio di biochimica e analisi strutturale

The Lab is runed by 3 peers: Carlo Travaglini Allocatelli, Giorgio Giardina and Adele Di Matteo

WHAT: The Lab is focused on the determination of 3D protein structures at the atomic level and on the analysis of protein folding and miss-folding process including beta-amyloid formation. 

Intrahepatic heteropolymerization of M and Z alpha-1-antitrypsin

The α-1-antitrypsin (or alpha-1-antitrypsin, A1AT) Z variant is the primary cause of severe A1AT deficiency and forms polymeric chains that aggregate in the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes. Around 2%-5% of Europeans are heterozygous for the Z and WT M allele, and there is evidence of increased risk of liver disease when compared with MM A1AT individuals. We have shown that Z and M A1AT can copolymerize in cell models, but there has been no direct observation of heteropolymer formation in vivo.

Advanced protein crystallization robot


Despite having an optimal sample for crystallization, obtaining crystals can be an arduous and unpredictable goal. The most important approaches to overcome this bottleneck were the discovery of appropriate precipitants, new methods of preparation of macromolecule samples, new methods of carrying out crystallization experiments but above all the increase of crystallization efficiency through automation.

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