gallium nitride

Characterization of GaN HEMT Transistors for DC/DC Converters in Transportation Applications

The motivation of this work is the characterization
of semiconductor switches in DC/DC Wide Band-Gap based
converters for electrical vehicle applications. The paper studies
Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility (GaN HEMT) Transistors,
which present very good features for high-frequency highefficiency
applications. In order to obtain an efficient DC/DC
converter design, a full characterization of these devices must be
carried out. A double pulse test is applied to the GaN device,

Development of a High Power Density Drive System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Unmanned aerial vehicles are characterized by a set of requirements, like high efficiency, resiliency, and reliability that conflict with the other main requirement of high power density aimed at minimizing the overall weight and size. This article proposes a novel, modular multiphase drive for a quadrotor drone, realized through the integration of an axial flux permanent magnet machine and a GaN-based power electronic converter. After an overview of the design process, starting from the propeller choice, a brief description of the system components is presented.

On the effects of ultra-high switching frequency on PWM-inverter-fed induction motors

When the 'ultra-high switching frequency' concept is evoked, the mind immediately runs towards the wide bandgap semiconductors and to inverters having unimaginable gravimetric and volumetric power densities. More rarely, people are interested in the effects of very high frequency pulse width modulation on the electrical load, particularly when considering 'rugged' induction machines.

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