carbon footprint

Comparative life cycle assessment of different gas turbine axial compressor water washing systems

Nowadays the climate change is widely recognized as a global threat by both public opinion and industries. Actions to mitigate its causes are gaining momentum within all industries. In the energy field, there is the necessity to reduce emissions and to improve technologies to preserve the environment. LCA analyses of products are fundamental in this context. In the present work, a life cycle assessment has been carried out to calculate the carbon footprint of different water washing processes, as well as their effectiveness in recovering Gas Turbine efficiency losses.

Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Electric Vehicles: Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing Evaluation of Electricity Sources

The electro-mobility of vehicles could solve the negative effects of road transport, by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. However, some electric vehicles also have a negative impact on the environment related to the nature of electricity used. This paper aims to evaluate the electricity sources for electric vehicles using a Life Cycle Thinking approach. Life cycle assessment, using several midpoints and endpoint methods, highlighted that the most damaging sources were lignite and diesel, while hydropower, wind, and biomass were the most sustainable ones.

Hemp Seed Production: Environmental Impacts of Cannabis sativa L. Agronomic Practices by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Carbon Footprint Methodologies

This paper evaluated the environmental impacts of different agronomic practices for a
hemp seed crop grown in Mediterranean environment. The following agricultural variables have been
considered: seven monoecious hemp varieties(Epsilon68 (E68), Fedora17 (F17), Felina32 (F32),
Ferimon (Fe), Futura75 (F75), Santhica27 (S27), Uso31 (U31)), three plant densities (40, 80,
and 120 plants m−2
), and two levels of nitrogen (N) fertilization (50 and 100 kg ha−1 of N). Life cycle

Carbon Footprint: calculation methodology applied to a territory

Le operazioni, a prima vista semplici, di quantificazione delle emissioni di CO2 equivalente di un determinato territorio preso a campione, rendono la tematica della sostenibilità ambientale oggettivamente più complessa e molto articolata in quanto le criticità che si rilevano trovano radici in opzioni politico-economiche. Gli aspetti di maggiore complessità risiedono all'interno delle differenti caratterizzazioni territoriali e delle variazioni locali e di tradizione sociale.

The carbon footprint of the historic centre of the Municipality of Trevignano Romano - Lazio Region, Italy

Operations to quantify the CO2eq emissions of a given territory encounter critical issues that make the
matter more complex because they are rooted in political/economic/social options carried out over time
and in other locations; options that “come from elsewhere and far in time” and therefore make partial the
technical solutions that are proposed today. Each intervention must therefore be “contextualized in space
and time” otherwise the technical initiative in progress, not well understood, can create the

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