oral surgery

Minimally invasive intraoral approach to submandibular lodge

The purpose of this study is to describe the Minimally Invasive Intraoral Approach (MIIA) performed on selected cases of abscesses and neck phlegmons of odontogenic origin when the infection has not spread beyond the inferior mandibular margin. This technique allows us to avoid cervicotomy by a direct approach to the abscess, draining it through the oral cavity. If the limits have already been crossed, then cervicotomy is necessary.

Late radiation-associated dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients: evidence, research and management

In head and neck cancer (HNC) scenario, newer radiotherapy (RT) techniques, such as intensity modulated RT (IMRT), aim to reduce acute and late toxicity without impair tumor response and loco-regional control rates. However, late radiation-associated dysphagia (RAD) remains a major clinical problem and has gained a growing importance in the last few years, especially due to human papilloma virus (HPV)-related HNC favorable prognosis. The aim of this review was to provide clinical information about late RAD.

Dalla tecnica corticotomica tradizionale a quella mini-invasiva: una rassegna della letteratura. From traditional to mini-invasive corticotomy technique: a review of literature

OBJECTIVES Realize a historical excursus of corticotomy technique, explaining its biological mechanisms and describing modified and improved surgical approaches over the years. MATERIALS AND METHODS A search for literature on different databases was conducted by crossing the keyword “corticotomy” with:“orthodontics, accelerated tooth movement, techniques, piezocision and corticision”. RESULTS 180 articles were included. The biological response to corticotomy is a local transitory osteopenia, able to accelerate dental movement through the application of orthodontic forces.

Palatal orthodontic miniscrew insertion using a CAD-CAM surgical guide: description of a technique

The aim of this report was to describe a new computer-guided technique for a controlled site preparation and palatal orthodontic miniscrew insertion using a dedicated software. A surgical guide was designed after planning the appropriate insertion sites on three-dimensional images created by the fusion of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital dental model images. Pre- and postoperative CBCT images were compared and the angular, coronal, and apical deviations between the planned and the placed miniscrews were calculated.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma