Dalla tecnica corticotomica tradizionale a quella mini-invasiva: una rassegna della letteratura. From traditional to mini-invasive corticotomy technique: a review of literature
OBJECTIVES Realize a historical excursus of corticotomy technique, explaining its biological mechanisms and describing modified and improved surgical approaches over the years. MATERIALS AND METHODS A search for literature on different databases was conducted by crossing the keyword “corticotomy” with:“orthodontics, accelerated tooth movement, techniques, piezocision and corticision”. RESULTS 180 articles were included. The biological response to corticotomy is a local transitory osteopenia, able to accelerate dental movement through the application of orthodontic forces. CONCLUSIONS The results of this review require further insights, but encourage the use of corticotomy in daily clinical practice. The minimally-invasive computer-guided corticotomy technique represents a future perspective.