Extra-virgin olive oils from nine italian regions: an ¹H NMR-chemometric characterization

Extra-virgin olive oil (383 samples; EVOOs) of three consecutive harvesting years from nine Italian regions were collected and submitted to an ¹H NMR-chemometric protocol to characterize the samples according to their origin (geographical area and variety). A more complete assignment of the olive oil ¹H spectrum in CDCl₃ and DMSOd₆ was reported identifying 24-methylencycolartanol.

Blueberry-Based Meals for Obese Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary Metabolomic Pilot Study

A pilot study was carried out on five obese/overweight patients suffering from metabolic syndrome, with the aim to evaluate postprandial effects of high fat/high glycemic load meals enriched by blueberries. Postprandial urine samples were analyzed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy after 2 and 4 h from ingestion to identify potential markers of blueberry intake. Significant decrease of methylamines, acetoacetate, acetone and succinate, known indicators of type 2 diabetes mellitus, were observed after the intake of meals enriched with blueberries.

New hybrid tomato cultivars: an NMR-based chemical characterization

Bamano, King Creole, Sugarland, and DulceMiel hybrid tomato cultivars have been recently introduced in the Lazio area (Central Italy) to expand and valorize the regional/national market. Tomatoes from these cultivars, together with tomatoes from the native Fiaschetta cultivar, were sampled at the proper ripening time for the fresh market and characterized to obtain and compare their metabolite profiles. The Bligh-Dyer extraction protocol was carried out, and the resulting organic and hydroalcoholic fractions were analyzed by high-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

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