active inflammation

Sleep-immune interactions and mental disorders

Sleep-immune interactions and mental disorders

Prospective epidemiological studies suggest that sleep disturbance (ie, difficulties in sleep onset and sleep maintenance) is a robust predictor of major depression episodes and depression recurrence. In parallel, experimental endotoxin model support a role of innate immune activation (inflammation) in the aetiology of depression, yet the precise role played by sleep disturbance is poorly understood. Sleep disturbance may increase peripheral pro-inflammatory cytokines by upregulating NF-kB pathways, modulating gut-microbiota, autonomic and neuroendocrine (eg, HPA) activity.

Diagnostic performance of PET/MR in the evaluation of active inflammation in Crohn disease

This study investigates the performance of PET/MR versus each sub-modality alone in the assessment of active inflammation in patients with Crohn disease, when compared to surgery as standard of reference. Sensitivity for detecting active inflammation was 91.5% for PET, 80% for MR, and 88% for PET/MR. Specificity for active inflammation was 74% for PET, 87% for MR, and 93% for PET/MR. Diagnostic accuracy was 84% for PET, 83% for MR, and 91% for PET/MR.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma