active learning

Case—Production and Distribution Optimization of Beach Equipment for the Marinero Company

Dear applicant,
Marinero is an Italian firm leading in the field of
high-quality beach equipment. Our main business is
production and sale of deckchairs, beach umbrellas, sun
beds, director’s chairs, and frisbees for two main independent
markets: private customers (e.g., beach and
camping lovers) and business clients (e.g., resorts,
hotels, and camps).We produce our products in several
manufacturing plants and supply them to sales outlets
strategically located all over Italy.
Our products are appreciated, and our brand is

Case Article—Production and Distribution Optimization of Beach Equipment for the Marinero Company

We present a mixed integer nonlinear mathematical programming model, covering a broad range of Operations Research (OR) related topics. The case is designed to allow students to use knowledge acquired from
OR and Management Science classes in order to model, analyze and provide concrete solutions for the considered problem. Due to its high practicality, this exercise is an ideal tool to make the OR domain more
accessible and to learn how to balance the problem complexity with the availability of algorithms for its

Praticare il peer mentoring all'università: il modello dei Corsi di laurea pedagogici de “La Sapienza”

Obiettivo del contributo è offrire una riflessione sul tema della peer education e nello specifico del peer mentoring in contesto universitario attraverso la presentazione e l'analisi della esperienza avviata nei corsi di laurea pedagogici del "La Sapienza" a partire dal 2004 .

The degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques of Sapienza and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome: technology enhanced active and collaborative learning

This paper describes the degree course in Psychological Sciences and Techniques delivered from 2017 by Sapienza and Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome. This is an entirely online course in which the designers decided to integrate classic e-Learning with a participatory and collaborative approach, safeguarding the strengths of both models. To this end, the degree course is based on three fundamental pillars: a theoretically anchored design, an experienced team of teachers and tutors, a flexible and rich Learning Management System such as Moodle.

Danzare, riflettere, apprendere

Arts are an integral part of the culture of education and a privileged tool for practical knowledge and active learning, because they are based on learning models focused on experience and personal and creative development of individuals or groups involved in the educational practice. In this context, dance aims to redefine ideals and stereotypes linked to the imaginary of equilibrium and aesthetic perfection to place itself and act in educational and social contexts through a creative, inclusive and wandering practice.

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