
Convergence between formal and informal learning practices: state of the art and historical heritage

For a long time, Informal learning suffered a mechanical and simplified defi-
nition, as a category opposed to formal learning: it was in fact intended at a
space-time level, as a complex of outdoor activities, carried out outside school
walls, and outside a certifiable path.
If in the field of vocational training validation systems have been arranged at
European level by CEDEFOP (2017) to test and to certificate skills and abilities
acquired through individual experience, however, many third sector initiatives,

What makes you a ‘hero’ for nature? Socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries

Biodiversity loss is a widely debated world problem, with huge economic, social, and environmentally negative consequences. Despite the relevance of this issue, the psychological determinants of committed action towards nature and biodiversity have rarely been investigated. This study aims at identifying a comprehensive social-psychological profile of activists committed to biodiversity protection and at understanding what determinants best predict their activism.

Fertility Day, Fertility Fake. Studio su una campagna istituzionale e la sua contro-campagna creativa

L’attivismo creativo grassroots italiano affonda le sue radici nelle strategie di comunicazione dei nuovi movimenti sociali e delle sottoculture urbane, attente alla ricombinazione di contenuti antagonisti e linguaggi di matrice pop, da quelli storici del fumetto e della pubblicità a quelli dei cosiddetti internet meme, diffusi sulle piattaforme di social networking.

Imagined Networks. Media and the Organisation Metaphors of Collective Actions

Reti: molte organizzazioni della società civile e dei movimenti sociali usano questo termine per definirsi. Così spesso che questa metafora appare non solo il frame per definire l’azione collettiva ma anche una sua nuova, e oramai consolidata, ideologia. Dove nasce questa pratica identitaria, questa modo di concepire e incorniciare movimenti e organizzazioni?

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