
Oggetti e azione

Oggetti e azione

La ricerca si focalizza su come rispondiamo agli “inviti all’azione” che gli oggetti ci offrono (affordance); su come rispondiamo agli oggetti in presenza di altre persone (social affordance) e su quanto/come siamo influenzati dal senso di proprietà degli oggetti; infine, su come rispondiamo alle azioni altrui, sia tramite imitazione automatica e risonanza motoria che compiendo azioni complementari.

Come lo strumento diventa me

«Embodiment» is a term that highlights how our sense of the body is plastic and can be extended beyond the biological self to incorporate a salient tool. Theoretical bases are grounded in the widely discussed concepts of embodiment, tool use, and body representation. To support these claims, we will first explore highlight a pathway in the confusing scenario of the consequences of dynamic bodily representations. The primary interest is to explore the potentialities of embodiment, and to assess human experiences that can be directly measured concerning partial or complete bodily illusions.

“I do it my way”. Idioms of practice and digital media ideologies of adolescents and older adults

This article analyzes the idioms of practice and media ideologies of adolescents
and older adults regarding mobile digital media usage, and how they are negotiated
within and between age cohorts. We formed aged-based focus groups in Rome and
Barcelona (four groups of 16- to 19-year-olds and four of 65- to 85-year-olds). The
comparison provides new insights on older individuals’ communication practices, often
overshadowed by the focus on youth. Participants of both age groups explained they do

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