
Attentional control in accidents involving agricultural tractor operators

Feature at a glance: Although a lack of safety features is often reported as the most important factor in tractor accidents, an accident per se is the outcome of many elements, including the amount of attentional control operators exert over the driving task. The lack of active attentional control is sometimes referred as “absentmindedness,” and many studies have investigated this phenomenon as the expression of individual differences.

On Optimal Crowd-Sensing Task Management in Developing Countries

In developing countries, crop field productivity is particularly vulnerable to spreading diseases, including viruses and fungi. This is mostly due to the lack of skilled plant pathologists as well as to the scarce fund and poor infrastructure (e.g., roads, power and water lines) availability.
The PlantVillage project through its mobile application named Nuru provides an AI digital assistant to recognize plants and their diseases through image analysis.

Optimal deployment in crowd sensing for plant disease diagnosis in developing countries

In most of the developing countries, the economy is largely based on agriculture.
The poor availability of skilled personnel and of appropriate supporting infrastructure, make crop fields vulnerable to the outbreak of plant diseases, possibly due to spreading viruses and fungi, or to adverse environmental conditions, such as drought.

Observations on daily Life in the communal town of Leopoli-Cencelle

The civitas of Leopoli-Cencelle, founded by Pope Leo IV (9th cent.), is located in the Tolfa Mountains on the northern edge of the Province of Rome. The site has been the object of archaeological research directed by the Department of Medieval Archaeology at La Sapienza University of Rome. The paper focuses on the analysis of about thirty agricultural artefacts (hoes, sickles, billhooks and axes) originating from stratigraphic contexts corresponding to the town’s communal facies (13th-14th cent.).


The beginning of Iron Age in Central Italy witnessed increasing social complexity, urbanization processes and climatic instability. However, understanding the mutual relations of these events as well as their effects on past agriculture is still a complex matter. This research aims at investigating changes in agricultural systems and environmental variability through the analysis of macrobotanical samples retrieved from multiple archaeological contexts dating between the 10th and the 6th century BCE.

Recuperare il rapporto con la terra. L'agricoltura nelle periferie urbane

Le nostre città stanno cambiando profondamente, sia nella loro struttura spaziale sia nei modi con cui organizziamo la nostra vita quotidiana e quindi le abitiamo. Focalizzare l’attenzione sul tema dell’agricoltura periurbana è un buon modo per leggere tali trasformazioni e interrogarci sul futuro delle nostre città . Per cogliere questi cambiamenti e darne una diversa narrazione è necessario però assumere un approccio innovativo rispetto al tradizionale sguardo dall’alto o attraverso le mappe, tipico di molti urbanisti.

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